FW Updates and Axe Edit

I know it's not intentional, but the comments in a few threads at the moment seems to be very trivial..i mean it's great to offer constructive feedback, but I'm sure it p*sses FA off when hard work has been put into improving the Ax and threads like this appear..

No offense to the OP or any of the posters..but seriously a little perspective and reflection might be called for! :)

I could go into the many good and detailed reasons why there's normally a short delay between the release of a new firmware and the release of a compatible editor, but let's have it suffice to say that it simply is not worth delaying a totally functional firmware while the compatible editor release is tested and polished up.

You could just wait a few days and then upgrade the FW when the editor is done. It's the same thing, no? What, no willpower? ;-)

Makes sense. If the axe edit actually worked with minimal bugs instead of MAJOR ones almost every time with every firmware release to date. The few days wait line above is pretty much useless if the axe edit does not work properly with the firmware update changes. Again, I'm not talking minor bugs, but major ones like values not resetting to their defaults when we're told to just toggle the amps to hear/see the firmware changes. Have you checked out the axe edit threads lately?

The digital team (if there is one) working on the axe edit is just as important as what goes on when making changes in the hardware / firmware. Especially, when you have such a sophisticated product being used in a predominantly wired (digital) world.

But as the OP made clear, it was only his wish and he wasn't bitchin at all..the idea would be great, we just want everything perfect.

But i just think it's good to remember that the ones who have put in the work also read the feedback, and sometimes it must be a little disheartening to read some of the off the cuff, maybe not too well thought out comments..
They released it a few days early to let people play with it. No one is forcing anyone to update this very moment. I think it's great that they put it out as they finish!

I agree.

Anyway, it seems that major firmware releases typically are quickly followed by one or more dot releases that fix minor things. If I was writing/revising the editor, I'd probably want to wait a bit also to let the configuration 'gel'.
I know it's not intentional, but the comments in a few threads at the moment seems to be very trivial..i mean it's great to offer constructive feedback, but I'm sure it p*sses FA off when hard work has been put into improving the Ax and threads like this appear..

No offense to the OP or any of the posters..but seriously a little perspective and reflection might be called for! :)

Good point. I'm sure everyone would agree that we all appreciate Fractal Audio making the best gear that is regularly updated by design. This forum is a testament to the community that exists because of the innovative nature of Fractal Audio!
You missed the point. FA didn't want to "punish" panel editors, i.e., "Why should those who don't want to wait be punished?"

My point, have a complete package as bug-free and tested as possible. I'll take a COMPLETE system upgrade every 60 days over a new major number, followed by two minor fixes, and three changes to the peripheral software utility. Eagerness isn't always conducive to quality; Quick, Cheap, Good - pick two!


No offense but I am of the opinion it is you who is missing the point(s). If the Firmware is ready today and the editor won’t be for a week then why delay the firmware release? Not everybody uses the editor exclusively. In fact, my personal experience is that I use the couple days in between for just that reason, to re-familiarize myself with the front panel again. It really is handy for a quick update or to pop on an noodle without having to have the PC handy.

So why exactly should FAS delay the firmware release for a week? Simply because you don’t like the front panel? Really? How exactly are you being punished by waiting until the editor is complete? It's a choice you make is it not? Then I simply say stop punishing yourself and learn the front panel.

As for wishing for updates further apart with a complete system upgrade I just don’t follow your logic. Well actually, your lack of logic. Upgrade on the major firmware revisions then and simply wait for the day or two for the editor to get up to speed before you do if that makes you more comfortable. Heck, don’t even download the firmware if the editor isn’t released if it’s a matter of the download getting lonely all by itself. :) Simply put, you have CHOICES here so choose what works best for you and be content with your decisions.
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I, for one, appreciate Fractals aggressive approach at releasing updates...nothing is broken by giving us choices. Those that want to wait can. I wish many more companies would follow this model. This is ultimate in customer service...enjoy it!

No offense but I am of the opinion it is you who is missing the point(s). If the Firmware is ready today and the editor won’t be for a week then why delay the firmware release? Not everybody uses the editor exclusively. In fact, my personal experience is that I use the couple days in between for just that reason, to re-familiarize myself with the front panel again. It really is handy for a quick update or to pop on an noodle without having to have the PC handy.

So why exactly should FAS delay the firmware release for a week? Simply because you don’t like the front panel? Really? How exactly are you being punished by waiting until the editor is complete? It's a choice you make is it not? Then I simply say stop punishing yourself and learn the front panel.

As for wishing for updates further apart with a complete system upgrade I just don’t follow your logic. Well actually, your lack of logic. Upgrade on the major firmware revisions then and simply wait for the day or two for the editor to get up to speed before you do if that makes you more comfortable. Heck, don’t even download the firmware if the editor isn’t released if it’s a matter of the download getting lonely all by itself. :) Simply put, you have CHOICES here so choose what works best for you and be content with your decisions.

some people would rather be forced not to have to make choices, ie. given no choice; they cant live with their inability to choose correctly for themselves. strange. "You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill;
I will choose a path that's clear
I will choose freewill." Rush Freewill
Firmware pug says, "pwease don't fight... it's just firmware. I'll make another in a month and we can fight over that one"
I could go into the many good and detailed reasons why there's normally a short delay between the release of a new firmware and the release of a compatible editor, but let's have it suffice to say that it simply is not worth delaying a totally functional firmware while the compatible editor release is tested and polished up.

You could just wait a few days and then upgrade the FW when the editor is done. It's the same thing, no? What, no willpower? ;-)

I only made a request-Give me a break-I am smart enough to realize I "could" wait. Jeeezzz.
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Im sure OP is kicking himself for the responses hes getting. I think what he wants is what he knows is impossible -- to have axe edit ready right when new firmware is out. I never use the front panel (studio setup) but am forced to for firmware upgrades because i want the new sound. Theres nothing wrong with that. Remember when nobody had axe edit? ;-)
I know it's not intentional, but the comments in a few threads at the moment seems to be very trivial..i mean it's great to offer constructive feedback, but I'm sure it p*sses FA off when hard work has been put into improving the Ax and threads like this appear..

No offense to the OP or any of the posters..but seriously a little perspective and reflection might be called for! :)

Hello Mark-Matt, Cliff-It was just a suggestion-My word-un-friggin-believable. Why does that piss FA off but not when a new FW comes out and everyone and their grandmother asks for this, or that another amp-more metal. More drive blocks.
I had posted a long time ago that I thought it was terrible to keep asking for new this and new that. But I was shot down basically saying-Cliff wants the suggestions. (Not by Cliff) I don't think so. If he or FAS doesn't like a simple Realistic wish...................
I can only surmise it is me in particular. No problem.
I can handle it
I know it's not intentional, but the comments in a few threads at the moment seems to be very trivial..i mean it's great to offer constructive feedback, but I'm sure it p*sses FA off when hard work has been put into improving the Ax and threads like this appear..

No offense to the OP or any of the posters..but seriously a little perspective and reflection might be called for! :)

My post has no criticism at all-as about 3 or 4 other threads already do. I asked a question-call it a wish. I also ended it with "I can wait" So where is the hostility? Why would a simple "wish" with NO criticism at all piss Cliff off? Please explain that to me?
Hey Stratman68. I share your same wish and I thought you stated it nicely. I usually wait since I have a lot of difficulty seeing the small screen on the axe-fx II. Well, I updated and still had difficulty...so, I wait for the editor. No big deal....please don't yell at me guys for having difficulty seeing the LCD screen.

Stratman. How's that axe-everything set of pickups on your strat? Was thinking of trying that set.
I recommend jumping into the deep end of the pool once in a while and use the front panel; just until the new editor is out.

Disclosure: I use AxeEdit more than the front panel.

I've only had my Axe about 5 days and only got to spend time with it in the past couple of days. I have used AxeEdit more than the front panel too but after upgrading to FW 5.0 I dug into working from the Axe itself.

I have to say the front panel is much easier and more intuitive than I expected it to be. And that's without reading the manual. Great job on the Axe II UI.

But I do look forward to AxeEdit for 5.0!
Not saying the editor isn't great and i realize a lot of hard work goes into it keeping it current but i for one will probably never use it. The GUI on the Axe just turns me on to much to sell out. In fact, i am thinking about upgrading my Mac Book Pro with a green interface/monitor to match and would be very appreciative if someone smarter than myself could tell me how i can do this. OOps, i just finished the bottle of Patron!
fyi - AxeEdit still works for me with v5 - you just don't have the new controls in Axe-Edit yet, so you have to go to the front panel for those. Maybe there's some other stuff in AxeEdit that's gotten disabled by v5 but I don't see it yet with my Mac Version. I guess it would be great to get the SW update at the exact same time as the FW but I can see shy it lags behind a bit since it's developed in response to what's in the final new firmware version. If there's a vote, I'll vote for getting the firmware out ASAP as has been the practice to now with FAS. Maybe I vote this way cuz almost every other gear supplier seems to treat firmware updates as something to be avoided at all costs and done only in the most dire of circumstances - we have a good thing going here between FAS and we, the users, so I prefer not to rock the boat. Also - one of the very first posts in the "v5 is up" thread indicated that Axe-Edit would have some issues, so, if your a cautious user (like me), just wait an hour or so and you'll see the experiences of all the early adopters getting posted in that thread - if you don't like what you see there then wait, otherwise, dive in!!

RE the poll: I use AxeEdit almost exclusively, but I don't find the AxeII front panel that hard to use in a pinch - even with my old eyeballs.
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