Wish Full Midi Control


Hi there,

I find the midi capabilities extremely limiting and rigid. here is my point of view:
I don't need all those cc values to turn on/off pedals - I am using scenes for that. I'd much rather have all those CCs customizable and assignable to modifiers. Just think 3 controls for each pedal (mix, feedback, cutoff for example). pedals such as drive, vibrato, delay, reverb, chorus, flanger,... for those 6 pedals times 3 controls you would already need 18 controllable modifiers. 16 is not enough, especially since this is a global setting and can't be changed per preset (?!).
now, why have "external controllers" to be assignable to a CC command? why not have a midi menu, where you could define PER-PRESET, what CC numbers will overwrite which modifier?
for example: I want to control Delay Mix, Feedback, Time with CC16, CC17, CC18 in preset 1. for preset 2, I want to use CC16-CC18 to control Vibrato Depth, Rate, Mix.
I hate to say it, but Line6 Helix can do that. Although I'm happy that I'm in fractal world now. :)
am I missing something? :/
..and as a fm3 and fm9 owner, MIDI implementation should be the same across the different devices
External controllers can be used in any way you want per preset.

The External controllers are global but what you assign them to is not.
Unix-guy is right, you can already do that. The only suggestion I would make would be to make performance controls midi controllable. That way you define a few parameters that you consider most important for the preset and always/easily have midi control of them.
I agree the external controller system is pretty limiting. I'd rather have the ability to just assign CCs directly to specific controls in specific blocks. Globally. If the control does not exist in a preset it just does nothing.

I'd even settle for something that lets me use MIDI to replicate the onboard controls because I could use my favorite controller with a better feel and knob spacing than the onboard controls.

Another thing I would settle for is publishing a full featured Sysex spec for controlling block parameters with Sysex like you could do with the Axe-Fx 2. Now none of this info is available and the old methods don't seem to work.
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