Friedman Models


If you wanted to make their overall character a brighter. Starting from the default preset values in V11, which control would you recommend starting with?
I don't have my Axe-Fx II in front of me at the moment, so I'm going off of memory here. Also have not got a chance to mess with the Friedmans in V11 as of yet. But I'd say to engage the bright switch (if not already engaged), and/or boost the presence. If the bright switch makes it a bit too bright for you, maybe try lowering the value of the bright cap in the advanced tab of the amp block. Also try different cab IRs if you're running FRFR as these can have a huge impact on the overall tone. Hope this helps!
Backoff some bass or depth parameter to bring back some
Natural brightness! You can engage the treble bright and adjust the bright cap parameter to taste. You can boost some high frequency in the graphic eq within the amp too! Finalement, utilise un cab ir avec des highs plus prononces!! Amuse toi! ;)
Is this rocket science? So I'm guessing that if an amp is too bright then I should lower the highs &/or maybe choose a darker
Backoff some bass or depth parameter to bring back some
Natural brightness!
Agree! Making sure there isn't excessive bass is key to having a balanced tone that sets well in a mix. Sometimes adding high end only makes the high end harsh or shrill.
Try the amp voicing too.

It defaults to Neutral.
I used that control so much when it was on the first page of the amp block, reading this made me realize i've forgotten all about that parameter since it got moved to advanced tab. Is it basically like engaging a GEQ in the chain, or how does that work?
Sometimes the only key to getting your desired tone is the correct IR.

That might not be the case here, maybe just a twist of a knob will do the trick but there have been times where I've fiddled with parameters for hours with no luck. Then you happen upon THE IR and it's just like a magic fix.
In my experience I always found engaging the "bright switch" really helps to open thing up... but as always, there is more than one way to skin the cat.
Whether it matters or not: there's no Bright switch on the real BE/HBE.
Whether it matters or not: there's no Bright switch on the real BE/HBE.

Yup! So for me for authenticity I look elsewhere , less bass and depth first! I noticed on Friedman web site the demo clips most had bass on 3 or less ! I think one example if I remember correctly was Bass 9 0'clock, mids 10 - 11 o'clock , treble 2 o'clock and presence 1 o'clock , through greenbacks ! sounded great!!!
Far from conservative in real life. But when it comes to the amp models, I stick to the original controls.

If you look at Pete Thorn's BE preset, you'll see his Treble and Presence controls set quite high.
Far from conservative in real life. But when it comes to the amp models, I stick to the original controls.

If you look at Pete Thorn's BE preset, you'll see his Treble and Presence controls set quite high.

Exactly!!! And it sounds GREAT!!!
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