Fractal EV-1


Fractal Fanatic
I have seen quite a few posts and pictures of ax8 rigs and opinions on things and seen many expression pedals that are not fractal audio and i am wondering... why not FAS EV-!? Is the FAS EV-1 not great like the AX8? Is it cost? is it personal preference? So wanted to know what you you think and why this overly sized peddle is not getting any love in the forum...


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The best pedal I have ever used is without a doubt the EV-1, but I think it is a personal matter. If you are used to something smaller, then it might be to big.
The fact that it can be used as both an exp AND normal volume pedal, makes it a clear winner for me.
I would really like a spring loaded option though.
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First and foremost its cost. Honestly the EV-1 is a fine piece of gear, its built like a tank and is smooth as glass. And its huge. Then consider that most people use two or more expression pedals, the couple extra bucks for the fractal adds up quick. If Fractal can get the new EV-2 shipping at under $100.00 they will be selling like hot cakes. I would like 4 now sir please.
Love my EV-1. . Absolutely great. . I also use a Spring Loaded Mission Pedal for Wah, and that's 100% perfect for what I want! Eric
I have 2 EV-1's and love them.
I am thinking of getting an additional expression pedal. I recently saw someone mention a Moog pedal.
I want to get that to lower the weight in my MONO 365.
With 2 EV-1's in in, it gets heavy for a backpack!
Decided to try an EV-1 and ended up getting three more as you can see in my signature. Main reason for me is feel, but there are other reasons.

The tension control on this thing is the best I have ever experienced, smooth travel all through the range. Doesn’t feel stronger in some spots and weaker in others, like others I have tried. Because of this I leave the tension control kind of backed down. Other pedals I have had I always cranked up the tension a bit reason being: if I parked the pedal at say 50% it may be fine but say around 80% it might slip either up or down when I walk away.

The travel: wider than others out there, and I like this allot. For there are times I like to park the pedal at say 50%, 75% percent or whatever. Now I adjust by what I am hearing of coarse but because of the wider travel just easier to find the sweet spot. (for me)

This pedal is more linear than any other I have ever had, discovered this by accident while calibrating. Even after calibrating if you take the pedal and put it at say 50% of travel, I have others read as high as 80%. The EV-1 50% travel shows as 50% usage on a graph. (consistent all the way through, if I want a curve I can make in a modifier)

Something I forget to mention!

These pedals work so well me, because with what I do I park the pedal in different positions, not riding it like a wah wah pedal, and not also going ramping 0-100% all the time. Lots of in-between for me.

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I went with the Moog for the price point and it seems to be pretty good. I'm using it as a wah. I might want to get another pedal though with spring action for that and keep the Moog as like a volume pedal.
EV-1 user here. Best pedal I ever had, and I've had a boatload. I like the Ernie Ball pedals but that string system is lame. Once it breaks, and it will break, it is a major pain to replace. EV is large, like the Ernie Balls, but I prefer a large pedal for the pedal travel. For me, the longer pedal sweep is easier to control.
I love the EV-1s - coolest expressionpedals ever to grace my board. Look great, rock solid and feel perfect :)
The fact that it can be used as both an exp AND normal volume pedal, makes it a clear winner for me.
How is wah engaged when the pedal is used for both volume and wah ?
Is there a switch in the pedal or do you step on a footswitch to activate and then rock the pedal ?

How is wah engaged when the pedal is used for both volume and wah ?
Is there a switch in the pedal or do you step on a footswitch to activate and then rock the pedal ?

You can use it as an exp pedal on your axe-fx AND a normal volume pedal on your normal amp.
Cost and size are what put me off the EV1. I'm sure it's a fine piece of kit but I just couldn't justify the investment when the Moog EP3 works so well for me.
I hear ya. I personally have never regretted purchasing anything from Fractal.
With free software updates every other day and the best forum / community going, I'll continue to invest in Fractal gear.
I already have 2 eb's, 2 Missions, and some other brand. They work, so i dont need to spend money on another one.
When it came time to put together a pedal board for my Axe FX I bought both an EV-1 and a Mission SP-1. I thought I might end up using both but ending up chosing the EP-1 because:
1) I use it for wah and volume 99% of the time and it just feels right for those.
2) I really like having the toe switch on the SP-1. It makes it easy to engage the wah or volume or whatever else I want to switch.
3) The EV-1 is a good pedal but for what I need an expression pedal for the throw on the EV-1 is too long.

That reminds me - I need to sell my EV-1. ;)
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