Found my ideal metal tone, with one button press.


Fractal Fanatic
I've been struggling lately to get a thick, aggressive, punchy, defined, grindy, snarly metal tone. Yea i know it's a tall order lol. BUT! I found my tone, finally.

FAS Modern + Boost + Saturation Switch = awesome!

"Compression" knob: down to 1% (more then that it gets squishy)
"Definition" parameter: 20-25 (gives it a little extra bite)
I dial in a low cut between 100-120hz in the advanced parameters

the rest is just personal taste
I have a PEQ after doing some more low-end/high-end blocking and various tweaks

It's rad! The "Saturation" switch changes this amp drastically, for the better in my opinion. A beast.
i just dialed it in last night at like 3am, I'm still refining maybe in the near future, but give it a shot and see what you like. It's 90% the boost and saturation switches being on, the rest is pretty much to taste
Interesting. I'll have to try this out when I get home.

I can't imagine the FAS Modern with boost + saturation. Seems like it has more than enough gain with no boost at all.
Just tried your settings, it's huge !!!
Just had to remove the boost, because it was really an insane amount of gain !
Thanks !
Did sort-of this with the HBE... Saturation on with with the Brown Tonestack. Sounds really badass.

Dying to hear a clip of what you got there Rsf1977.
I notice Mark Day likes to use the Saturation. Seems to really work for getting a certain kind of sparkle, perhaps more suited to 80s metal and hard rock.
I notice Mark Day likes to use the Saturation. Seems to really work for getting a certain kind of sparkle, perhaps more suited to 80s metal and hard rock.

Yes, and he uses the boost too. Adds even more low end in the EQ block. I think it's more suited to a 3 man band situation where you're covering alot of sonic territory, but it's a bit much if you have more in the band... I've had to ditch the boost, and dial out much of the BOOM low end with another guitarist.

But yea, in a vacuum (i.e. alone), it sounds great.
yea for me it's more the saturation mode that gives me the mega tone, ive killed the boost now and i'm using a filter block in front to give me a slight boost instead of the whole thing. FAS Modern and the saturation mod are a super match and for thise interested I use it with #44 cab IR the 4x12 recto v30 (OH)
boost and saturation on FAS modern and you have all kinds of gainy gooeyness. I tend to forget the boost and/or turn down the gain really low in order to take off some "fuzz" or "hair". V9 is more tolerable, however and the tones can work in the context of a mix even with some of that hair.
The FAS Modern amp is my favorite high gain amp in the Axe-Fx right now. It's hard to overstate how good it is.

There's a ton of gain on tap, but chords are still crystal clear and well defined, yet single note runs sound ridiculously fat, and palm mutes are tight and crushing with a good amount of wallop behind them. The amp has a voicing that seems like it's in a good place between cutting Marshall and modern brutality. It can be dialed for an incredibly tight and aggressive rhythm tone, but it's also versatile and warm enough to be appropriate for expressive lead lines without sounding sterile at the same time. The top end is smooth, and the mids have a good grind to them but don't sound raspy or hard. The bass knob can be made to make the amp flub out if you want, but in conjunction with the depth control it's very easy to dial the flub down or out and make the amp as tight as you need without losing actual bass response. Also, the amp has a wide enough usable bandwidth in the eq spectrum that it doesn't sound small or boxed-in like a lot of high-gainers do.

Definitely my favorite amp sim right now.
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FAS modern has become my favorite amp as well. I was using the Das Metal religiously, but have found sonic gold in the FAS modern! Like greatgreen said, its got all of the best sonic features crammed into one amp. I am not sure how they did it but it slays! Even my main bass tone is now using the FAS amp in part of the signal chain!
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