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FAS is not just a company. It is more than that. It is a big family. Lot's of great surprises. I got my AXE FX 2 with FW 5 installed. Since then I have seen Tone Match being offered, then scenes, valve amps basics, tech notes teachings, etc. Where on earth can you find such a company that involves you with her ever growing success? Thanks FAS.
No forum for a week means I'll have to work work.
Please let us know when Ax-8 is being shipped. This waiting is so sad. Give us a date! PLEASE!!!!! :(
I'm sure we'll survive, but I can't be the only IT pro around here. Up to a WEEK planned outage? To migrate a web service? :) Holy cow!

Must be nice. I'd be laughed out of the meeting if I told people I needed a week outage for something like this.
I found a good alternative site for that week - lots of kind ladies who want to come over to visit and make my life wonderful ..... all I got to do is send them the air fare money .... and help out with some medical bills for a few. Might have to turn up the heating though as they seem to like wearing very little clothes ... maybe they can't afford any ... bless them.
I'm sure we'll survive, but I can't be the only IT pro around here. Up to a WEEK planned outage? To migrate a web service? :) Holy cow!

Must be nice. I'd be laughed out of the meeting if I told people I needed a week outage for something like this.
The meeting you're describing is sure to contain some folks whose time will be dedicated to the migration. Fractal doesn't have that luxury.
The meeting you're describing is sure to contain some folks whose time will be dedicated to the migration. Fractal doesn't have that luxury.

Not to mention a huge number of businesses use external hosting for web services like this. I gather Fractal runs it all in-house.
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