foot size


I just got the MFC-101 MARK III. Just doing the setting up process.
However, as I am switching effects in and out it, seems like I am hitting not just the switch that I am trying to select with my foot, but also the other switch or switches beside of it. Is anybody else having this problem? I am more use to separate foot pedals so maybe this is going to take time for my foot to get more coordinated to hit the target. Just was curious if anybody else is having this same problem. haha
my way of solving that was to put the mfc on a slight angle. the angle will depend on what is comfortable for your feet.
Yep, I wear size 13EE's and it's cramped. I put mine on an angle too and it helped immensely. I bought a 1.5" wide aluminum C channel and bent the sides a little to match the angle so that I screwed one side to my board and velcroed the other side to stick the MFC to it. You get used to it as time goes on but it's still pretty cramped. I wish I could reprogram the switches on the right side so that I could put my solo and other important switches there and move the little used factory ones on the other side or in the middle. Does anyone know if there is a way to do that?
Hitting two switches? Yep, me too. Thats why I wish it was Boss style, also play with barefoot or socks at home and buttons are painful on the foot. Btw I wear size 9. I wish there was something to cover switches to make them like Boss GT
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