Foot Controller buying advise


I am currently looking at 3 foot controllers. 1) Liquid foot Pro 2) Rocktron All Access, Behringer FCB 1010. I know the behringer is a lot less money but it seems popular here.
I would like to know what is the difference between the three as far as capabilities, programability and functions. Money is not as much as a issue as is making the right buy for my needs.

I have never used a midi foot controller or a midi, I am pretty good at programing and technical issues. So keep that in mind. If I am asking for something that can not be done let me know. Also when you reply keep in mind I may not know some of the terms or abbreviations you sometimes use as I am a green.

Although I might not understand all the capabilities and functions at this time in the future I will and regret buying one because it won't do this or that in the future.

I prefer to learn and grow into a system verses making continuous changes in that system to fit my needs now and in the future.

You guys know you stuff, you have used them live and in the studio. What advice can you give me before I drop $$$ on a foot controller to go with my Axe FX Standard.

Right now this is what I am looking for:

I would like to setup a few amps to with instant access and have them setup for the tones I want with the ability to turn affects on and off as needed.-I guess you would call this stomp box mode.

It would be nice if the controller was plug and play, what is on the lcd on the AXE FX is on the lcd read out on the controller without typing it in the controller it self.

That is about it for now, I am green on the midi stuff so if you know of something I am leaving out that I will really need in the future please let me know.

The Liquid Foot is the only one that displays names w/o programming.

Many of foot controllers are instantly plug & play with the Axe-FX, just not any IA's. You'll need to do some work to get that done.
There's a lot to detail between those three choices. I would say that between those three, you get what you pay for. If money is not an issue, I'd get the LFP hands down. It costs the most but you get the most.
The Liquid foot looks really good to me, It has a cool Bradshaw-esque vibe, and it talks to the Axe-Fx without programming. :D

The down side for me is it looks too darn big. Thats why I'm holding out for the MFC101, it will (and should be) almost like a smaller version of the Liquid foot.

I'm not even buying my Axe-fx until their controller is available. That way I won't be waiting hopelessly for the controller.
Larger size is better for me (size 13 shoe-Fat FEET) so I think the LF would be better for me.
It has been the front runner for me for a while. I would like to hear what some owners have to say about it. Also if it will do the things I would like it to do in the above posts.
Just a personal opinion from me: I don't want anyone to hold off from the Liquid Foot but
several weeks ago Cliff wrote an angry post about someone who got the necessary sysex information from him for fake reasons, making
a footcontroller with this knowledge.
He [Cliff] also said the sysex format of the Axe-Fx would change soon so the footcontroller (not named) will lose its 'AFx mode'.

I can't link to the thread because it got deleted, for whatever reasons...
So there's no proof and maybe Cliff changed his mind, but I thought I should share this information (FWIW !) if you're deciding to drop cash on a new

Sebastian said:
Just a personal opinion from me: I don't want anyone to hold off from the Liquid Foot but
several weeks ago Cliff wrote an angry post about someone who got the necessary sysex information from him for fake reasons, making
a footcontroller with this knowledge.
He [Cliff] also said the sysex format of the Axe-Fx would change soon so the footcontroller (not named) will lose its 'AFx mode'.

I can't link to the thread because it got deleted, for whatever reasons...
So there's no proof and maybe Cliff changed his mind, but I thought I should share this information (FWIW !) if you're deciding to drop cash on a new


Cliff deleted the thread shortly after. It would be disappointing if he did do that. Especially since he was curious asked all about it when it first was conceived. ... orum=axefx

FWIW, the sysex info can easily be obtained from MIDIOX communication with the editor. Personally, I think this was all a big miscommunication. They are both really good guys.
OBoy here we go!
I am not sure who cliff is I am assuming that he is the founder.I don't know any of these people at LF or Fractal. I can understand him being upset about that. I will say this, If I choose to buy a Liquid foot it is because it is now the best thing out there (IMO). If this is true it's his product he can do what he wishes, But if Cliff did something to make a LF not work right he would be punishing me the customer. Thats just silly, I hope he will reconsider because Fractal would loose me as a customer.

I would consider the fractal controller if it was available but I have not seen any new updates or posts from Fractal on the matter. Not a peep. Could be that Fractal has put a gag order out for a reason. Maybe they don't want to give anymore info away to the competition. All I know is customers have been on a waiting list for a long time. I am sure Fractal wanted to be the first to introduce a foot controller for the Axe FX and reap the benefits but that did not happen. So now the powers to be need to get over it. What is done is done. As far as the pictures lots of people can draw up something on Autocad 3d. But building a reliable product from the drawings can take years. Maybe time they don't have right now because they want to hit the market wit a new product that will yield them more market share and more profit. After all line 6 and others are not going to sit around like they have been the last few years. They now will step up to compete. If this is the case maybe Fractal and LF should partner. Better to make some profit than none.
Fractal has a great product and they support it well, If this is all true the last thing they need to do is cause bad press for themselves. I really think what they should do is come out with a product that will make me regret even thinking about buying a LF. Build a better mouse trap. Engineers may be anal at times (bean counters make us that way) but not stupid. Engineers should be busy growing and developing thats how we make money not pouting about mistakes that's how you starve.
I really hope this is all rumor mill stuff.

By the way I have not bought any foot controller yet. I would be willing to help with any R&D on a new fractal foot controller. I can sign a nondisclosure contract. I would be a good tester!! LOL
wb4k said:
OBoy here we go!
I am not sure who cliff is I am assuming that he is the founder.I don't know any of these people at LF or Fractal. I can understand him being upset about that. I will say this, If I choose to buy a Liquid foot it is because it is now the best thing out there (IMO). If this is true it's his product he can do what he wishes, But if Cliff did something to make a LF not work right he would be punishing me the customer. Thats just silly, I hope he will reconsider because Fractal would loose me as a customer.

I can only speculate, but I think Cliff's [CEO of Fractal Audio, father of the Axe-Fx] post was more of a rant he regretted afterwards and hence deleted the whole thing.
I can't imagine him changing something in the AFx just to disable the Liquid Foot's two-way communication abilities; it's another thing if goes and changes the sysex format for other reasons, e.g. because of his own footcontroller. BTW, if either one was the case, there'd be still the chance to adapt the Liquid Foot to any changes, like JJ pointed out, by monitoring the midi communication.
OTOH, if technical reasons would lead to a change inside the AFx and cause the Liquid Foot to lose its "AFx mode", nobody could blame Cliff for that; but it might happen though.

Sebastian said:
OTOH, if technical reasons would lead to a change inside the AFx and cause the Liquid Foot to lose its "AFx mode", nobody could blame Cliff for that; but it might happen though.


And could easily be fixed. It happened in the past and was fix within an hour.
gittarzann- I don't think this is true.

Maybe not years but it depends on the poject who you work for. If you work for NASA then it could take years. :D
I should hope that Cliff does not turn my LF into a door-stopper - I think I'd sell my AFX Ultra on principal if that were to happen. Frankly, I think attempting to use something as ubiquitous as MIDI to keep your product proprietary with respect to MIDI foot-controllers would be a mistake. I think the MFC101 is a neat idea but honestly, it seems that Cliff and Tom now have more than enough on their plate as a startup making their core products the very best that they can - the MFC101 is NOT a core product IMO. In fact, they'd be wise to simply partner with LF and co-market so that they can remain focused on getting the next greatest Fractal and Atomic products shipped.
hdtv4me said:
I should hope that Cliff does not turn my LF into a door-stopper - I think I'd sell my AFX Ultra on principal if that were to happen. Frankly, I think attempting to use something as ubiquitous as MIDI to keep your product proprietary with respect to MIDI foot-controllers would be a mistake.....

I really dont think that will happen.

The LF got midi info from TC electronics and now its able to access the tuner on the LF board.
It is only a matter of time until another company puts out a box that equals or exceeds the Axe-Fx, and when that happens having a unit that is tied to a proprietary foot controller (if the competing units are compatible with other controllers) is definitely going to turn a bunch of people off.

In the end it is Cliff's company so whatever happens we will just have to roll with it.
hdtv4me said:
I should hope that Cliff does not turn my LF into a door-stopper [...]

You and maybe some others misunderstood my point.
It's not about rendering the Liquid Foot useless or anything like that!! It's only about the two-way communication (for displaying the tuner, patch names, synchronizing
states of FX blocks) that happens in sysex format. To make it work, the AFx and the connected footcontroller have to speak the same sysex language.
So the worst that could theoretically happen would be if Cliff introduced an other sysex format for those features that the Liquid Foot can't adapt (not likely, according to Javajunkie). You'd still have a great footcontroller with the Liquid Foot, comparable to the Axxess FX-1 or others - it would only lose the functions I described above.

I'm sorry, it was not my intention to stir up any trouble, or keeping people away from the Liquid Foot or even Fractal Audio!
We're talking about a problem which most probably is not existing.

I understand what you are saying.

My point is, I really don't think changing the sysex is going to hurt Liquid-Foot or enhance Fractals sales. The price point is similar, the functions are similar, the construction of the MFC101 is superior (AFAIK). The action to disable the features that are already in place is only going to hurt the customer (ie... ME).

It will force me to

1 Buy Liquid-Foots tuner module or Liquid-Tracks (which I don't really want)


2 Buy the Fractal controller (which I don't want to do).

Just my 3 cents.
There you go again stiring up trouble. I can relax now Sebastian was only kidding. Right? ;)

Thanks guys for your input. I am learning from you all.

Can someone explain to me the capablities of the Behringer FCB1010. A lot of talk here about them and the eprom mod. Compaird to the LF if I buy a FCB1010 vs a LF what exsactly would I be missing out on.

For the price plus you get 2 foot controls I like that idea. Will it do most everything I require

I would like the controler to:

I would like to setup a few amps to with instant access and have them setup for the tones I want with the ability to turn affects on and off as needed.-I guess you would call this stomp box mode.

It would be nice if the controller was plug and play, what is on the lcd on the AXE FX is on the lcd read out on the controller without typing it in the controller it self.
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