FOH and FRFR from output #1?

Tom Morris

Power User
Just wondering how many of you send to FOH and your stage FRFR from output One? My setup at the moment is to mirror output 1 to output 2 so I have a bit of EQ control on output 2 for my stage sound. However I just bought a FreQout pedal and would like to use that in the loop so I would have to lose output 2 to do so. Thanks in advance.
If u are running in mono, you could put a vol/pan block toward the end , pan hard l/r, and put an EQ block on the side for your FRFR, and the other to FOH
Just wondering how many of you send to FOH and your stage FRFR from output One? My setup at the moment is to mirror output 1 to output 2 so I have a bit of EQ control on output 2 for my stage sound. However I just bought a FreQout pedal and would like to use that in the loop so I would have to lose output 2 to do so. Thanks in advance.

Although I use Out 2 for monitors, I use a 1U rackmount mixer with EQ.

Out 2 -> rack mixer -> powered wedge

I prefer quicker access for monitor eq vs. the Fractal menus.
Stereo everything here bradlake. I do have a stupid overkill programable midi 1 space EQ I could use but that sucker generates a lot of heat. Bought the EQ when I was hell bent on using my Mesa 2:90 amp and Mesa oversized recto 412, but Ive since seen the light of FRFR! Never going back VIVA LA FRFR! lol :pAlesisDEQ-830composit-1_zpsa89536a1.jpg
Stereo everything here bradlake. I do have a stupid overkill programable midi 1 space EQ I could use but that sucker generates a lot of heat. Bought the EQ when I was hell bent on using my Mesa 2:90 amp and Mesa oversized recto 412, but Ive since seen the light of FRFR! Never going back VIVA LA FRFR! lol :pView attachment 42250
This is probly your best alternative,then, if you want eq control of your monitor(s),
have you tried your Freqout in front of your AxeFX? might be worth the try to save your Routing scenario, tho my experience is that Freqout is marginally better in the loop.......
Yes bradlake. It works as it should I just figured id have more control over the way it reacts by being able to move it in the chain or having a compressor in front of it. But it does work as advertised. 99.9% of the time im playing through headphones so no speaker volume interaction.
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