FM9 put 10 years worth of grey on my hair tonite.

Bruce Sokolovic

Fractal Fanatic
At a gig and the FM9 would not boot. First it went thru the boot sequence and landed on a white screen. Then just a white screen.

Out of sheer terror and desperation I started unplugging things in the order of least need. Pulled out the 2 midi cables and it booted right away.

Going to dive deeper to see why my fractal gear hates my H9. The AX8 would get weird with it sometimes too.
At a gig and the FM9 would not boot. First it went thru the boot sequence and landed on a white screen. Then just a white screen.

Out of sheer terror and desperation I started unplugging things in the order of least need. Pulled out the 2 midi cables and it booted right away.

Going to dive deeper to see why my fractal gear hates my H9. The AX8 would get weird with it sometimes too.
Have you tried reaching out to the makers of the H9? I don't use one so can't help you there.
Some devices flood the world with midi timing info, and she devices are unhappy with that. If that's the issue, you may be able to turn that info off, since afaik Fractal devices don't respond to it.
I specifically use it to send time info via a tap tempo switch. I’m almost certain this is the issue but I really wish there was a better solution.
I do a lot of custom midi to automate controllers here at home, and, when my programming goes awry and some wierd midi goes thru Axfx3, I have gotten the unit into some strange states a couple of times - nothing like what you describe, but getting a blue line at the bottom of the FP screen, and the unit failing to change patches properly until reboot. I tracked those scenarios down to repeatable cases of bad midi commands I sent so I know Ax3 at least, can be sensitive to such bad midi commands.
Back in the old Ultra days it was good practice to disconnect any MIDI device before booting, especially after a FW update. MIDI devices may send messages while booting that may bork the FW. I still disconnect my FC12 when booting after an update.
Back in the old Ultra days it was good practice to disconnect any MIDI device before booting, especially after a FW update. MIDI devices may send messages while booting that may bork the FW. I still disconnect my FC12 when booting after an update.
IF the FC protocol was MIDI that might still make sense.

"It's not standard MIDI. The Axe-Fx III uses a proprietary communication protocol. Devices can communicate over any physical layer by wrapping and unwrapping the comm protocol. Theoretically you can control it over MIDI, Ethernet, WiFi, RS-232, AppleTalk, Sneakernet, etc. The MIDI basics are there, of course, but to access the tuner, etc. you need to wrap and unwrap the protocol layer." [4]
"FASLINK is not MIDI. The FC-6/12 are "terminals". They record button presses and send the button press to the host. The host sends messages to the terminal which tells the terminal what color to display on the LEDs and what text to display on the LCDs." [5]
I’ve gotten so confident in my FAS stuff over the years, this was a humbling reminder to always have something else to play thru. And what better than an FM3 ready to go with the same presets.
I had the same type of come to Jesus moment way back when I first started using the Axe FX (Standard) I had it racked up on top of a tube power amp huge mistake! and it thermaled 10 minutes before show time.

Screen went super dark green nothing would work super panicked major case of swampass! Unracked it and pulled the lid off let cool down and worked like a charm the rest of the evening.

As to the H9 it's a great unit! but in reality it's not needed unless you are super soaking your sound in some effect type that the FM9 can't do.
So, ultimately the H9 put 10 years worth of grey on your hair that night;)

Or something about the combination.
I’m Pretty sure without even asking they’ll point fingers at one another and both units work just fine on their own. It doesn’t really matter who isn’t playing nice because I NEED the FM9 to work. Im not really sure if I can do anything differently to make this more stable and never happen again. Everything is powered and cabled with working equipment. Nothing else I can really do from a user level. I wish I could eliminate the tap tempo footswitch but I cant. The FM9 has to receive tempo information and the H9 needs to be out of the way.
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