FM9 MK2?

Did you read this?

Yes I did. It was also five months ago. Global shortage... not outage.

Unifyng the chassis/screens wouldn't warrent a MKII designation to me... just an alignment of limited available resources.

We shall see.

Now back to that full-time-employee USB/MIDI issue thing-a-ma-ding... global shortage there, too?
Yes I did. It was also five months ago. Global shortage... not outage.

Unifyng the chassis/screens wouldn't warrent a MKII designation to me... just an alignment of limited available resources.

We shall see.

Now back to that full-time-employee USB/MIDI issue thing-a-ma-ding... global shortage there, too?
Whether or not it would be a mkII is Fractal's decision. My guess is that it would be, but who knows.

I have no idea what USB/MIDI issue you're referring to...
I have no idea what USB/MIDI issue you're referring to...

You certainly seem like one of the wiser folk around here. You must use your device(s) in a manner that doesn't include the promised words from page one of the (sales) website.

Rock on... and carry on.
I’m sure the larger scribble strips will eventually make it on the FM9. I personally will wait for this update to happen before I buy a FM9. The small scribble strips on my FM3 are hard to see standings up IMO, so bigger LCD’s would be a nice upgrade.

You certainly seem like one of the wiser folk around here. You must use your device(s) in a manner that doesn't include the promised words from page one of the (sales) website.

Rock on... and carry on.

What USB/MIDI issue is this? I'm also not familiar.
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