FM9 Firmware Version 4.00 public beta 1

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Posted this in the axefx firmware thread but I’ll post here since I actually own a FM9. My goal is to get close to replicating tones in this video by morphin the the new Marshall sv20 model. Expression pedal to change gain,volume, whatever’s needed. Anyone want to give it a shot? I struggle with the morphs; something always seems bit off but this should be easier since it’s just one channel that can cover all this territory. I’d try it myself, but I prefer to wait for the firmware. If not, happy to just discuss in the meantime!!!

I’ll leave then. I’ve spent 2 months getting things set up on the FM9 as it is. Would be shame to lose it.
That’s fine but you would be missing out on some really cool stuff . If you ever plan to update in the future you are likely going to have to re tweak some stuff
That’s just the nature of the beast but in the end most end up much happier w the new presets
Posted this in the axefx firmware thread but I’ll post here since I actually own a FM9. My goal is to get close to replicating tones in this video by morphin the the new Marshall sv20 model. Expression pedal to change gain,volume, whatever’s needed. Anyone want to give it a shot? I struggle with the morphs; something always seems bit off but this should be easier since it’s just one channel that can cover all this territory. I’d try it myself, but I prefer to wait for the firmware. If not, happy to just discuss in the meantime!!!

Probably better to create a separate thread.

Your request isn't related to the firmware itself...
I wonder, has there been any talk or is there's any chance they'll be able to add a 2nd Synth block? That would go a long way toward flexibility between using my Axe-III, or just my FM9 for some smaller venue gigs!
Christmas wish! lol
I’ll leave then. I’ve spent 2 months getting things set up on the FM9 as it is. Would be shame to lose it.
I'd recommend doing a full backup, loading the new firmware and actually trying it before saying that.

If you don't like it, reinstall the old firmware and reload your presets and you'll be back to where you were before.

Odds are good you'll like the changes. I've never heard my presets sound so realistic.
I recently updated and just now sent some presets to a guy who’s still on 3.0 and they’re just blank. These presets were originally created in 2.0… I’m not sure what’s happening. Has anyone tried sharing presets to someone with older firmware?
I recently updated and just now sent some presets to a guy who’s still on 3.0 and they’re just blank. These presets were originally created in 2.0… I’m not sure what’s happening. Has anyone tried sharing presets to someone with older firmware?
Your friend will need to be running V4.00 pb1 or later as that is the version your V2 presets were effectively written in following their import and export from V4 pb1.
just tried loading this one up and its is hitting the red pretty strong amp cab that's it . did not have problems with prior
I have reduced amp output to -26 db and output 1 is set to 9 o'clock and still it is pinning the red , I am sure I probably did something stupid
but here is the preset . just seems way too hot and clipping


  • marsh studio.syx
    24.1 KB · Views: 2
I recently updated and just now sent some presets to a guy who’s still on 3.0 and they’re just blank. These presets were originally created in 2.0… I’m not sure what’s happening. Has anyone tried sharing presets to someone with older firmware?
Expected behavior on all the Fractal devices. Older firmware will not "see" presets written on newer firmware.
I recently updated and just now sent some presets to a guy who’s still on 3.0 and they’re just blank. These presets were originally created in 2.0… I’m not sure what’s happening.
Of course they were.

The settings are from the future as far as v3.0 is concerned. Each firmware touches the presets and makes minor adjustments to bring them up to date, which, after v4 touched it is the future to v3, so it didn’t know what to do with it and, to avoid spewing chaos, v3 doesn’t display the preset.

Has anyone tried sharing presets to someone with older firmware?
It just won’t work. Old software has no way of knowing what future versions will do.

To share the presets, you need share them from a backup made prior to installing v4.
It's not really new. It was wrong in the previous firmware (drier?). It was fixed in this beta. It now matches the Axe-Fx III and FM3 again.

Wait, now I am curious. What exactly is the "reverb mix strategy"? I am unfamiliar with the phrase, as it is being used.
Wait, now I am curious. What exactly is the "reverb mix strategy"? I am unfamiliar with the phrase, as it is being used.
I think that the correct term is 'Mix Law'.

I may have some of this technically wrong, but the general idea is...

The Delay block is setup so that the dry signal at 0% mix is the same as 50% mix. And the wet signal is the same at 100% mix and 50% mix. As you increase the mix from 0%, the wet signal is gradually added until you reach 50%. At which they are both the same max level. This will increase the overall level. As you past 50%, the dry signal begins reducing and the wet signal remains the same.

The Reverb, Multi-Delay, Multi-Tap, Plex-Delay, etc... blocks are setup so that the combined sound at a 50% mix is the same overall level as 0% and 100%. The wet and dry signals are slightly reduced at 50%. As you increase the mix from 0%, the wet signal is gradually added and the dry signal is simultaneously reduced. The two opposing curves go through the entire 100% sweep and overlap, but are not linier.

The two different 'Mix Laws' combined with the different bypass types and routing do cause some confusion sometimes. Which is why I think that some prefer using the Delay and Reverbs in Parallel paths at 100% mix.

I prefer the Delay 'Mix Law' myself.
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