FM9 Firmware Version 3.00

Anyone else notice their library is glitched? When I bring up any of my presets, they're fine. When I bring up an amp from my Library, it selects the wrong model and it completely mutes the entire preset. I have to switch to another preset to get sound back. Here's a visual example, I pulled up a Library amp save I had for a Modern Rectifier sound, and it pulls up a PVH 6160 model instead:

View attachment 108201

Once again it completely glitches out the entire preset.
I just noticed this as well, with the latest firmware all my saved amp blocks are loading different models. Bummer..
I do the same. I loaded my Axe 3 amp blocks saves into the FM9 with no issues. Talking about around 500 presets here...
I have about 10 saved Amp channels. Only 2-3 are loading correctly. The others all load either the 59 Bassman Bright or the PVH 6160 Crunch...
I'll try to check those tomorrow. Curious were they created / saved on Axe Fx, FM9 or both?

All of mine came from FM9 and some were probably created under FW 2.0...
This Zephyr Delay block, in particular, seems to be corrupted. Saved it in February. Not sure if created on FM9 or FX3. It locks up the FM9, and forces a power cycle to get the FM9 to respond again, at which point it comes up with the settings partially there from the block that I was trying to load, but did not save because the FM9 locked up upon loading the block. Reverting the preset seems to work to get the preset back to normal.

Preset also attached. Probably needs a factory IR in the cab block to play properly, but should work as-is for demoing the freeze-up issue....


  • ZephyrDly P2_20220226_112127.blk
    1.4 KB · Views: 4
  • Vol-DluxV T3C [9]3.syx
    24.1 KB · Views: 3
Expression pedal issue:
If there is a block in the preset that has AutoEngange related to the movement of the expansion pedal (Medium Speed) - then if with Power On FM9 this preset is loaded (as the last one used in the earlier Power Off), and the expression pedal is NOT present (nothing is connected to the PEDAL socket), the lack of a pedal will cause an error in the form of automatic ON of this block. Preset revert instantly fixes block state (disabled as expected)
If the expression pedal is connected to the PEDAL socket - then the preset behaves as I am expected (i.e. the block is OFF when a preset is loaded by default during PowerOn FM9 and it will turn on only when I move the pedal).
This issue pops up only at PowerOn, each subsequent loading of the preset (even reload the one described above) causes the correct behavior (the block is not activated automatically, but waits for the pedal to move - which will not happen, because the pedal is not connected ;))

In FM3, a similarly prepared block, in a similar situation, (Power ON FM3, without a connected pedal), it does not turn on automatically, what is an expected behavior
Expression pedal issue:
If there is a block in the preset that has AutoEngange related to the movement of the expansion pedal (Medium Speed) - then if with Power On FM9 this preset is loaded (as the last one used in the earlier Power Off), and the expression pedal is NOT present (nothing is connected to the PEDAL socket), the lack of a pedal will cause an error in the form of automatic ON of this block. Preset revert instantly fixes block state (disabled as expected)
If the expression pedal is connected to the PEDAL socket - then the preset behaves as I am expected (i.e. the block is OFF when a preset is loaded by default during PowerOn FM9 and it will turn on only when I move the pedal).
This issue pops up only at PowerOn, each subsequent loading of the preset (even reload the one described above) causes the correct behavior (the block is not activated automatically, but waits for the pedal to move - which will not happen, because the pedal is not connected ;))

In FM3, a similarly prepared block, in a similar situation, (Power ON FM3, without a connected pedal), it does not turn on automatically, what is an expected behavior
Are your modifiers set with PC Reset ON? And were the presets saved with the block OFF?

Another solution is the use an External Controller for the modifier, then assign the expression pedal to the External Controller.

Then in global settings, define the External Controller Init Value to 0%.
Are your modifiers set with PC Reset ON? And were the presets saved with the block OFF?

Another solution is the use an External Controller for the modifier, then assign the expression pedal to the External Controller.

Then in global settings, define the External Controller Init Value to 0%.
I've had the same issue on the FM3 and the FM9 since they came out. Your instruction would work but is a lot of work for a workaround IMO. If the pedal is not attached, the block should not be engaged. That should be a default, and I don't know why Fractal has it defaulted differently.
I've had the same issue on the FM3 and the FM9 since they came out. Your instruction would work but is a lot of work for a workaround IMO. If the pedal is not attached, the block should not be engaged. That should be a default, and I don't know why Fractal has it defaulted differently.
I don't agree. If a pedal is used to control a volume block I don't want that block being muted if no pedal is connected. You could argue that if set to auto-engage it should be treated differently. However, there's no way to distinguish a disconnected pedal from a pedal set to tip position.
Are your modifiers set with PC Reset ON? And were the presets saved with the block OFF?
^^This solution don't works on FM9:

Another solution is the use an External Controller for the modifier, then assign the expression pedal to the External Controller.

Then in global settings, define the External Controller Init Value to 0%.

^^This solution also don't works on FM9:

A here we see, how its works on FM3 (only first example):

In me opinion we have difference/issue in FM9

Best regards
I tried to move some FM9 presets to my FM3 this week. They were not overly-complex, and there was nothing that shouldn't have worked...but it sure didn't. The biggest issue was amps getting replaced with the Bassman.
I tried to move some FM9 presets to my FM3 this week. They were not overly-complex, and there was nothing that shouldn't have worked...but it sure didn't. The biggest issue was amps getting replaced with the Bassman.
FM3 firmware is a different (older) revision so presets created on FM9 V3.x will likely run into issues. Once firmware 6.x hits for the FM3, things should move across better.
Just noticing when manually changing Presets going through 1, 2, 3, 4 etc using the FM9Edit.... the Save button indicator lights up, as if it thinks an edit happened and is prompting me to hit the save button. And I have done no editing. Thoughts?
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