FM9 Firmware Version 3.00

I have two Windows machines as well as a MacBook Pro that I connect mine up to. I typically run the editor on one of the Windows machines, Windows 10. I record into the Mac.
It might be that the Win10 machines are more fragile with respects to FAS updates. I've personally never experienced any update issues with my Mac, save for 3rd party Windows for Mac software...YMMV...

If we're not recording to computer, is the USB Firmware update necessary? Or should it be mandatory just to keep USB firmware concurrent with the most recent FM9 firmware?
Not a complaint, no help required...recently updated to 3.0 and latest FM9-Edit, as well as Presets 3.0, and latest USB firmware.

Discovered once the updates had gone through that one of my footswitches (3rd from the left, bottom row) was unresponsive to toggle or hold. It only occurred for Scenes.

First thought was standard procedure: Reboot.

And yes, once the FM9 rebooted, the unresponsive footswitch corrected itself and functioned properly. (Phew...)
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Finally got a chance to test out the new features and I must say that the changes on the speaker page in the amp block just makes the sound really come alive👍🏼! Thanks Fractal.

I have seen that happen when the SIC is placed on the Perform screen.
what is the SIC? speaker impedance curve? that is not on my performance screen

the screen doesn't blink when I am look at the scene page, where is the best place to inquire about this.. possible bug?
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My FM9 performance screen blinks when I change scenes or layouts via footswitches, is this normal?

Try a reboot. Just like your computer, a reboot might correct any minor glitches residing within the FM9 firmware. It worked for my unresponsive footswitch. See if the reboot works or not, then we can consider a bug...
Try a reboot. Just like your computer, a reboot might correct any minor glitches residing within the FM9 firmware. It worked for my unresponsive footswitch. See if the reboot works or not, then we can consider a bug...
First thing I did, no effect what so ever.. blinks when switching between layouts, but not selecting within a layout
Actually every screen blinks when changing layouts except the home screen. when in edit mode it blinks even selecting within layouts..
Yes but it doesn’t do it on the Home Screen it does it on every other screen
For what it is worth, my FM-9 does this when scenes & effects are changed. It seems to be related to refreshing the screen. I think this is probably normal intended behavior. Perhaps some other FM-9 owners can check theirs and weigh in.
what is the SIC? speaker impedance curve? that is not on my performance screen

the screen doesn't blink when I am look at the scene page, where is the best place to inquire about this.. possible bug?
What items are on your Performance pages?

There's not yet an FM9 bugs forum, so you can probably post a new thread in FM9 discussion for now.

I'd suggest that if you do that you attach a backup of system settings and a sample preset where you experience the issue.
@unix-guy Does your FM-9 not do this? Mine blanks and redraws the screen whenever I change scenes or effects and have the Perform PP or the Perform Gbl screen showing. But I figured out that this only happens when the little message screen at the bottom of the display comes on to display a message first. For example if I activate an effect, the label comes up at the bottom of the screen and says for example “Reverb 1 Enabled”. As soon as this message goes away the entire screen blanks and then redraws. This does not occur if the little message at the bottom of the screen does not appear. Is this how yours is behaving @Hackdog69 ?
@unix-guy Does your FM-9 not do this? Mine blanks and redraws the screen or effects whenever I change scenes and have the Perform PP or the Perform Gbl screen showing. But I figured out that this only happens when the little message screen at the bottom of the display comes on to display a message first. For example if I activate an effect, the label comes up at the bottom of the screen and says for example “Reverb 1 Enabled”. As soon as this message goes away the entire screen blanks and then redraws. This does not occur if the little message at the bottom of the screen does not appear. Is this how yours is behaving @Hackdog69 ?
I would need to test that. I don't really use the Perform Pages on my FM9...

I'm not usually looking at the main screen when I press switches as I'm more concentrating on playing ;)

I'll try to check later.
Scenes can change what channel is loaded, meaning the Perform Page may need to update the knobs displayed. This can account for the blink.
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