To be honest while the OP did offer a good bit of information there’s a lot of info missing when discussing a truly apples to apples comparison. Most of all it must be truly an apples to apples comparison.
Agreed. You need to take the FM3 and Axe 3 side by side. Create an amp/cab preset. Keep it simple. Save the blocks and/or preset. Transfer from one machine to the other. A/B them using the same FRFR (as the OP mentions using FRFR). See if there is a difference. If not apples to apples, then there is no basis to the claim that they are different.
Steve's been around a long time, he knows what hes talking about.... ease up.

Just because he hasn't replied as fast as you'd wish during holidays doesn't make a troll.

Come on guys
Steve's been around a long time, he knows what hes talking about.... ease up.

Just because he hasn't replied as fast as you'd wish during holidays doesn't make a troll.

Come on guys
No one's accusing him of being a troll, quite the opposite, that based on past posts, he's not.

I think people are genuinely curious about his post though and why that may be his perception.

I made the "radio silence" comment above b/c that could be perceived as trollish (stir the pot and then jump back/disappear). That got me curious, but as I also mentioned his profile does not point to that sort of behavior.

Like you said, maybe he's tied up due to the holiday period or other obligations.
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Hopefully the OP is taking the time to evaluate whether his claim was 100% accurate. It’s a rather bold claim to make after 3 years (or however long the FM3 has been around) of just the opposite opinions. As said, I’m truly curious about it. If it was based on the best scientific deduction then it would be good to know otherwise it’s just an opinion and we know what unsubstantiated opinions are worth.

I guess all that really needs to be considered is whether the FM3 kicks ass…IMHO it kick’s major ass! I suppose comparing it to a device costing well over twice the amount in any other industry product lines wouldn’t even be a consideration. Which says a lot by itself.

One last thought and since the holidays were mentioned. Maybe this is an example (and considering the OP has two FXIII’s) of using the FM3 as a practice/vacation/quiet time device and the perceived differences were based more on that atmosphere. I know for myself, I would never think the FM3 is as much fun with headphones as pumping through my pair of QSC K12.2’s.

Definitely no animosity involved, it would just be revealing to discuss this more if at all possible.
Steve's been around a long time, he knows what hes talking about.... ease up.

Just because he hasn't replied as fast as you'd wish during holidays doesn't make a troll.

Come on guys
We both literally said the opposite.
Steve's been around a long time, he knows what hes talking about.... ease up.

Just because he hasn't replied as fast as you'd wish during holidays doesn't make a troll.

Come on guys
Although now I'm going to say - where did he go?
He ghosted after he made his post....
Indeed it could. I just assumed he was testing with the same monitoring system and location as his Axe III.

@SteveW Have you tried your FM3 using the same monitors in the same positions?
Sorry for the delay...didn't mean to get you guys all bent out of shape. it's just that I had a lot going on...
I did return the unit to fractal in exchange for a Mark II. So this is what I did; I tried the FM3 with my current HS8's and I tried it with the JBL's and then I tried the FX3 with the JBL's and HS8 and I always had the same issue, when the FM3 was involved.

It has nothing to do with the FRFRS and it has nothing to do with the FX3. Settings were literally the same all across the board and the sound was pretty much identical, but it was this hard to describe thing, like the trail off of the note which was getting cut short ...typical of a transistor type setup. I even did a full wipe of the entire unit with a from scratch thinking that it might solve the issue, but it never did. I tried everything I could before giving up and heading for an exchange to another Mark II

I put my FX3 in place of the FM3, and everything worked out as I had anticipated. The problem is gone. I wasn't trolling and I and I really wasn't trying to create problems here. I was only bringing up something that I'd been experiencing. I didn't want to have to go to a Mark II because it's a bigger unit, and it doesn't travel as well in a suitcase with speakers, as well as say those same speakers and an FM 3
Sorry for the delay...didn't mean to get you guys all bent out of shape. it's just that I had a lot going on...
I did return the unit to fractal in exchange for a Mark II. So this is what I did; I tried the FM3 with my current HS8's and I tried it with the JBL's and then I tried the FX3 with the JBL's and HS8 and I always had the same issue, when the FM3 was involved.

It has nothing to do with the FRFRS and it has nothing to do with the FX3. Settings were literally the same all across the board and the sound was pretty much identical, but it was this hard to describe thing, like the trail off of the note which was getting cut short ...typical of a transistor type setup. I even did a full wipe of the entire unit with a from scratch thinking that it might solve the issue, but it never did. I tried everything I could before giving up and heading for an exchange to another Mark II

I put my FX3 in place of the FM3, and everything worked out as I had anticipated. The problem is gone. I wasn't trolling and I and I really wasn't trying to create problems here. I was only bringing up something that I'd been experiencing. I didn't want to have to go to a Mark II because it's a bigger unit, and it doesn't travel as well in a suitcase with speakers, as well as say those same speakers and an FM 3
If you haven't been around for awhile, then you probably missed this comparison which you prompted:
Sorry for the delay...didn't mean to get you guys all bent out of shape. it's just that I had a lot going on...
I did return the unit to fractal in exchange for a Mark II. So this is what I did; I tried the FM3 with my current HS8's and I tried it with the JBL's and then I tried the FX3 with the JBL's and HS8 and I always had the same issue, when the FM3 was involved.

It has nothing to do with the FRFRS and it has nothing to do with the FX3. Settings were literally the same all across the board and the sound was pretty much identical, but it was this hard to describe thing, like the trail off of the note which was getting cut short ...typical of a transistor type setup. I even did a full wipe of the entire unit with a from scratch thinking that it might solve the issue, but it never did. I tried everything I could before giving up and heading for an exchange to another Mark II

I put my FX3 in place of the FM3, and everything worked out as I had anticipated. The problem is gone. I wasn't trolling and I and I really wasn't trying to create problems here. I was only bringing up something that I'd been experiencing. I didn't want to have to go to a Mark II because it's a bigger unit, and it doesn't travel as well in a suitcase with speakers, as well as say those same speakers and an FM 3
Just for the record I don’t think it can be said that everyone was “bent out of shape” about your perceptions. IMO, when reading over this latest explanation I still get a sense there something missing that would explain things much better. You still use a couple phrases that are not descriptive enough or somewhat lead to way more questions than answers. I know you say and I understand these matters can be hard to explain, but when you say “typical of a transistor setup” that is just too vague. Do you mean like a “solid state amp” or a “heavily processed” sound? If it’s the later then that leads someone like myself to want to ask a bunch of other questions, but most likely not trust things unless I was in the room to completely experience and see the setup myself. I still get a sense that the comparisons were still not as “oranges to oranges” as could be possible.

Basically, there are a few differences between the two that could make a sensitive person feel they’re not exact. For instance the adjustable input impedance of the FXIII. In fact I would think that would be the most overwhelming parameter missing on the FM3, but nowhere close to making it unable to be easily acceptable as a backup/secondary rig. Most of all notes being “cut short”.

I suppose one question I would have, what do you say to all the very capable players and technical experts that not only don’t think this is the case, but seamlessly switch between the two?

Sound clips would definitely be helpful. Maybe you don’t see how your comment, while not “mind bending” could be an area of interest and even concern for others.
I wonder if the input gate works a little differently between the 2 because of the difference in input circuitry and not having the auto impedance stuff.
It's hard to explain or put into words exactly what I'm hearing but, suffice to say that when you play through a transistor amp, versus a tube amp there are marked differences to the human ear. These differences are very perceptible to an experienced player.

Sorry I can't explain more than that and I've already returned my FM3, so the opportunity to post up sound clips is over and done. I did pick up the MARK II, and the issue has since been resolved.

And when I used the term "all bent out of shape", I was referring to some posters who thought I was trolling. I'm not a troll, and I don't post indiscriminately to rile up folks around here.

I wish I could better explain what I was hearing, because for one thing, it would have been a lot easier for me to transport the FM3 then the Mark II. I bought the FM3 with a smaller pair of FRFR's specifically so I could travel and have something that sounded sonically as good or close to my in-room setup, while I travel.
It's hard to explain or put into words exactly what I'm hearing but, suffice to say that when you play through a transistor amp, versus a tube amp there are marked differences to the human ear. These differences are very perceptible to an experienced player.

Sorry I can't explain more than that and I've already returned my FM3, so the opportunity to post up sound clips is over and done. I did pick up the MARK II, and the issue has since been resolved.
So, you're saying an FM3 sounds different to you, but unlike DougB415 you don't have any clips to share to demonstrate whether or not there is a difference, and you don't have an FM3 to try out the advice people are giving you to resolve the discrepancy? The purpose of this thread is....?
So, you're saying an FM3 sounds different to you, but unlike DougB415 you don't have any clips to share to demonstrate whether or not there is a difference, and you don't have an FM3 to try out the advice people are giving you to resolve the discrepancy? The purpose of this thread is....?
No need to get your panties in a bunch. I posted what I posted, I had an FM3 which I exchanged for an MK2 in the end because I was not happy. And if you're not happy you can simply choose to ignore my posts.
Did you actually check that all parameters were set the same or you just copied your presets from the axe to the fm3? Cuz in that case there will be at least 1 difference that might be it from your description: IR resolution.
When importing a preset created on the axe, to save cpu, the fm3 changes the cab block to normal res even if the preset was originally saved in ultrares.
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