FM3 Now Shipping

As a Feb 2020 guy who also bought an Axe in Feb, I need to decide if I value the smaller size and portability for dragging to band practice, or the power and more frequent updates of the real Axe FX III. The low initial firmwares for the FM3 has me a bit worried about FOMO if I downgrade.
My waitlist date is 01/27/2020, and I still haven't seen an invite today yet. Hopefully they haven't all gone out for the day!
We're starting to fly though the list now! I can now allow myself to get a little exited. I'm thinking I might actually have my FM3in a few weeks. 🤘 🤘 🤘 🤘 🤘 🤘 🤘 🤘 🤘
This is the basic problem with threads like this. Someone is mistaken about when they got on the list, someone else sees the mistake and gets upset about what looks like (but isn’t) an out-of-order invite.
Very true. I am January 25, so when I saw the post about the 29th, I sent a very polite message to fractal sales, and within 15 minutes I heard back from Matt clarifying the issue. No need to jump to conclusions when the company is happy to clear up these kinds of discrepancies. Now come on January 25!
This is the basic problem with threads like this. Someone is mistaken about when they got on the list, someone else sees the mistake and gets upset about what looks like (but isn’t) an out-of-order invite.
Didn’t mean to offend, just got a little excited, as I assume some are this close to the cusp
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