FM3 Firmware Version 6.02

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Did anyone else notice their unit producing a high-pitched squeal (through the outputs) while the firmware was updating? I can't remember that ever happening before. Not an issue since everything else when as expected, I was just curious about it.

Love the new large font display option.
Quite happy to see ox and torpedo curves. Whether this satisfies @nteloss or not, I don't know; but when I switch to the Ox impedance curve I do get more of what I'd typically expect from the Ox. Quite like it myself, actually. And it's also good to have these curves for comparisons people do with such load boxes.
Aside from the curves, loving the new gates. I haven't done tests vs previous firmware, but I run some rather noisy pickups through this new firmware and was surprised at how controlled the sound was. There seems to be a rather meaningful difference.

The sustainer compressor is also quite a nice addition. I want to couple it with my freqout pedal to see what happens.
I had a few presets that were at the 78%-ish mark in 6.01 and the update pushed them to around 81-82%. Not a big deal and I'm able to get them back to where they need to be. Well worth the adjustment for the BFFOM update (big fonts for older musicians). :cool:
Had exactly same issue with beta, lets see if FAS can do anything about it. FM3 is a compromise model, I agree. We can not have everything without cpu limit…)))
Is anyone having any level issues with this version? I was running the beta fine, updated to this and all my levels seem to be allot lower

Even looking at the meters some presets sound high (levelling near 0.0DB) but others sound way lower but hitting a higher db….
Help! After installed 6.02 and after reboot FM-Edit can not connect to my fm3. Have removed all drivers and installed the new ones (april 2023). But still doesn't connect. Also in FM3 USB Audio Device Control Panel it says no device connected and in the tab About with Driver Info it's all empty. What can I do?
I'm on Windows 10.
Help! After installed 6.02 and after reboot FM-Edit can not connect to my fm3. Have removed all drivers and installed the new ones (april 2023). But still doesn't connect. Also in FM3 USB Audio Device Control Panel it says no device connected and in the tab About with Driver Info it's all empty. What can I do?
I'm on Windows 10.
Try a different USB cable.
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