FM3 Firmware Version 6.02

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Hi. The FM9 got an A/D input sensitivity clip notification message added in the latest update. With no talk of that here and nothing in the notes, I'm wondering if that's not in the FM3?
The latest Firmware it changed how the presets sounds & also the CPU usage
That doesn’t mean that the preset changed. The models underlying the preset can change after a firmware update and affect the sound.

Also, without knowing the preset and how high the CPU usage is it’s hard to say, but if the preset was already running over 80%, and the firmware update resulted in some models needing more CPU, then you could be overwhelming the system and it is shutting off blocks. See What happens when the CPU limit is approached. will help explain too.

Without seeing the preset itself it’s hard to say what happened, but it’s extremely unlikely that the preset itself changed.
Can someone please explain the difference between Compressor and Sustainer? I am liking what the Sustainer does but I want to understand the difference. Thanks.
Uber-Kudos on the OD-One overdrive! This is one of my favorite pedals of all time and this is a killer representation of it. Thank you FAS!
Hello! First post here, not sure if this is the appropriate place for this, so feel free to point me in the right direction if not.

I've seen this mentioned a couple times but not sure it's been talked about much. Once I installed 6.02 I started frequently losing connection with FM3 Edit and audio to my computer. I use my FM3 as an interface and audio playback from my computer is stuttering or cuts out completely. I can't really build a patch from FM3 edit because the connection cuts out so much. I thought it might be workable but it was so bad today I decided to do more troubleshooting. I reinstalled the latest FM3 Edit and reinstalled the 6.02 firmware, but the USB connection issues were present immediately after. I almost couldn't reinstall the firmware because the connection cut in the middle. I decided to roll back to 6.01 and have had no issues in the couple hours since. Not sure it it's relevant, but I'm on a Mac v12.4.

It doesn't sound like many others are experiencing this, but wanted to share to see if it could be looked into just in case.
Hello! First post here, not sure if this is the appropriate place for this, so feel free to point me in the right direction if not.

I've seen this mentioned a couple times but not sure it's been talked about much. Once I installed 6.02 I started frequently losing connection with FM3 Edit and audio to my computer. I use my FM3 as an interface and audio playback from my computer is stuttering or cuts out completely. I can't really build a patch from FM3 edit because the connection cuts out so much. I thought it might be workable but it was so bad today I decided to do more troubleshooting. I reinstalled the latest FM3 Edit and reinstalled the 6.02 firmware, but the USB connection issues were present immediately after. I almost couldn't reinstall the firmware because the connection cut in the middle. I decided to roll back to 6.01 and have had no issues in the couple hours since. Not sure it it's relevant, but I'm on a Mac v12.4.

It doesn't sound like many others are experiencing this, but wanted to share to see if it could be looked into just in case.
Did you also download the new Edit version? Click link below if not. And make sure you do a refresh after FW update.

new FM3-Edit version is required for this release.
Yep, I have the latest FM3 Edit. I might try installing 6.02 again later and doing a refresh to see if that helps, but I think it does a refresh automatically after major updates so I'm not sure that's going to make a difference
Yep, I have the latest FM3 Edit. I might try installing 6.02 again later and doing a refresh to see if that helps, but I think it does a refresh automatically after major updates so I'm not sure that's going to make a difference
This topic is a frequent one and in many cases it comes down to stuff other than the Fractal.

This weekend, I'm planning to write a more detailed, separate thread about the issue with all Fractal devices so in the future I can just point people to it :)

Try another USB cable. Make sure it's less than 3m / 15ft (the max size per USB specs).

Try a different port on your computer.

Connect directly to the computer, not thru a hub.

It is odd that many seem to experience this issue after a firmware update when that usually has nothing to do with the problem.


Here's the post I created:
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