FM3 Firmware Version 6.02

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  • Added “Oxbow Loadbox” and “Double Notes Loadbox” speaker impedance curves based on a Universal Audio Ox and Two Notes Torpedo, respectively.
Can someone explain when to use these? I've asked in other threads and even started my own, but never got an answer.

A) Do you use this SIC when you are plugging an amp into that Load Box, and feeding it into the Axe for a Tone Match?
B) Or if you did a tone match of a specific amp while using one of these Load Boxes - do you then use that SIC in your preset?
C) Or is this only needed if you have an amp plugged into the Load Box, then coming into an input in your Axe (ie - using an actual amp for your tone, and maybe just the Axe for effects?

Any clarity would be greatly appreciated.
I have the Fractal LB2, but the question still applies - if I Tone Match using a Load Box, when do I use this SIC?
If i remember correctly there was a thread where someone complained about his tone and compared to his real amp into one of those boxes. With everything else (amp model and IR) the same he always felt better with his „real amp“. So Cliff gave him those SIC and the difference was gone.
So it is just for tone choice reasons, nothing more. Correct me if i am wrong.
If i remember correctly there was a thread where someone complained about his tone and compared to his real amp into one of those boxes. With everything else (amp model and IR) the same he always felt better with his „real amp“. So Cliff gave him those SIC and the difference was gone.
So it is just for tone choice reasons, nothing more. Correct me if i am wrong.

If that story is true, that's amazing.

Also totally believable based on how much of an impact the other impedance curves have. I kind of want to try the Ox one just to see what it's like. It's been a long time since I played an Ox box.
If i remember correctly there was a thread where someone complained about his tone and compared to his real amp into one of those boxes. With everything else (amp model and IR) the same he always felt better with his „real amp“. So Cliff gave him those SIC and the difference was gone.
So it is just for tone choice reasons, nothing more. Correct me if i am wrong.
I think you're remembering this tangent from the previous FW. It was quite entertaining. I commend Cliff for his patience with nteloss.
If i remember correctly there was a thread where someone complained about his tone and compared to his real amp into one of those boxes. With everything else (amp model and IR) the same he always felt better with his „real amp“. So Cliff gave him those SIC and the difference was gone.
So it is just for tone choice reasons, nothing more. Correct me if i am wrong.

Haha yeah that was a funny thread. Never tried the Ox box or heard of it before that thread. Now I see them everywhere when watching guitar videos. The idea is to run your amp into the box to pull a line out or attenuate a cranked amp before it hits a cab. Either way it is the load the amp sees. So yes it’s for tone choice. Everything is.
I noticed increase in CPU usage after update. Restart seemed to solve most issues, but some presets don't work due CPU limit exceeded.

Worked fine in previous firmware. I must have been near to the limit then and now small bump means those presets are not usable anymore...
I noticed increase in CPU usage after update. Restart seemed to solve most issues, but some presets don't work due CPU limit exceeded.

Worked fine in previous firmware. I must have been near to the limit then and now small bump means those presets are not usable anymore...
If you run at 80+% CPU, then firmware updates can push you into the red. The manual says ~80% is the safe limit, and I run mine around 75-77% to give it an extra margin. Often Fractal will find ways to reduce CPU usage as they make additional optimizations, but it’s still smart to stay under the limit.

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If you run at 80+% CPU, then firmware updates can push you into the red. The manual says ~80% is the safe limit, and I run mine around 75-77% to give it an extra margin. Often Fractal will find ways to reduce CPU usage as they make additional optimizations, but it’s still smart to stay under the limit.

View attachment 118941
Yep, I've read about this earlier but never had issues before. There are many ways to drop usage under 80%, so I'll take my words back for presets not being usable :)
Oh man, it came out that guy’s request? I’d written that off from his first post. Yeah, kudos to Cliff for sticking with it.
Yes, apparently so. Cliff engaged quite a bit with Nteloss. The topic sort of took over that FW thread so Randalljax then started this dedicated thread:

Just checked and @nteloss last posted sometime in March. Just tagged him in case he is unaware.

Yes, major kudos to Cliff. Talk about customer service!
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