FM3 Firmware Version 6.00 beta 3

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What an amazing release!

I run a dual path for my NS/Stick and have always been pushing the edge on processing power. Most of my presets have pegged right up to that 80% recommended limit. Here's one of my newer ones under the 6.03 beta:


Easily running 5-6% less--and that seems to be on several of my custom presets. :cool:

So far it seems all my routing/multiple i/o schemes are running correctly (no Bass through the Guitar side or vice-versa) - Not that I'd have expected that to break on an update. :p

This was a demo preset I was working on for a nice Fusion lead sound--but I hadn't settled on it yet because it still was a hair too unfocused to my ears. With the 6.03 update, it seemed to clean up really well, to the point I just started practicing and playing around instead of fiddling with it. :D

Bravo, Fractal!
probably too many Youtube compressor tricks, but still, but also quite cranked, with Klon in front of it. More "open sounding" and direct to my ears, but... My friends in the audience told me it sounded "digital" and "flat". It sounds just great with any backing I use at home at any volume. But sucks live., essentially you've got one or more compressors, a parallel hard clipper, an amp that's clipping heavily....and you're saying it sounds flat when you play loud. Honestly...I'd expect that to sound really flat and lifeless.

I should say that I flat-out don't understand high-gain tones if that's what you're going for...but it's really easy to over-do the distortion. It's really easy for things to just get lost.

That's like having the seatbelt alarm in your car break...and then when you take it in for service, they fix the darn thing. ;) :D
There's usually a way to disable it, almost like an easter egg. On my car, it takes turning the electronics (but not the engine) on, plugging and unplugging the seatbelt 20 times, opening and closing the door, and turning the car back off, all in the first 30 seconds. If you do that, it'll stay off until the battery is disconnected.

I found it on a forum, and I honestly have no idea why the manufacturer included it nor how anyone figured it out. But, I'm happy. FWIW, I do wear my seatbelt...I just got sick of a gear or laptop bag in the passenger seat making the car beep if I didn't remember to hook the seatbelt around nothing.
I've noticed a weird bug - when I type a custom label for a footswitch I get a few seconds of gibberish displayed and then the GUI updates to whatever text I entered.
I've noticed a weird bug - when I type a custom label for a footswitch I get a few seconds of gibberish displayed and then the GUI updates to whatever text I entered.
That's actually been happening for a long time. Like...since I got mine on 4.01ish.
I played on the new firmware, but the Diezel amplifiers began to sound worse, before this was a dense and powerful sound, now all Diezel models sound terrible 🤷‍♂️
I played on the new firmware, but the Diezel amplifiers began to sound worse, before this was a dense and powerful sound, now all Diezel models sound terrible 🤷‍♂️
We haven't had the final Cygnus X-2, things may change, but good on you for pointing out our observation. Some seem to perceive (specifically) the diezel silver 3 this way even for the latest axe fx 3 beta.
Thx for all the hard work on the FM3 Firmware!!

I use my FM3 essentially solely for bass (which I play in a cover band these days…).

So I was wondering if anyone had seen any changes/issues with the bass amps on the new Firmware beta? (Mostly using tweaked profiles from the excellent Bass Pack from @austinbuddy as well as a bass pack from NKP).

I would definitely LOVE to be able to start using the ’Song List’ feature and set that up before our next show! ;-)

Cliff is now going over the diezel models specifically on the axe fx 3 front. If there's issues discovered, we'll have fixes for the axe fx 3 firmware, obviously relevant for us fm3 users too.
Yes I would not worry about The DZL about 5 or 6 people have pointed it out in the AX3 beta w sound examples we will just have to be patient till next update
Finally got to seriously dig into the new firmware. All I can say is Wow!! Making something great even better is quite the accomplishment. It seems to me that quickly building reasonably complex presets and they sound great right out of the box is even better. The added drive FX are great. The Aurora delay was sounding so good. I could go on and on!

However the first thing I did was carefully read all the official information about the new “BETA” release and put it to memory. Things like this is a “BETA” release and what amp models have been tweaked accordingly. Things like the set list addition is going to take some time to figure out fluently and immediately realizing that the 3 buttons on the FM3 is going to take some creative thinking to get the most out of it. It appears to easily get the most from the set list section additional physical controllers would be helpful. Perhaps an FC6 is in my future. It is still quite useable and I’m sure by the time this firmware is official and is no longer a “BETA” release there will be more information on how to be creative with it.

At this point I would want to be very capable with the FM3 to gig with this “BETA”. Mainly if I’m someone who runs presets at 80% I would throughly test those presets before playing in front of a crowd.
Hi all, need a little help for a newbie. Initially the Channel/Type Library fields were blank. I reloaded the FM3 Edit update, rebooted everything, and that fixed it. Worked for a couple of hours no problem, then shut down and went to bed. This morning I've powered everything up and those fields are once again blank. I re-installed the FM3 Edit update to no avail. Also hit the Refresh after Firmware Update and it hasn't helped. The unit itself is fine, but FM3 Edit is still unhappy. Any advice?
Hi all, need a little help for a newbie. Initially the Channel/Type Library fields were blank. I reloaded the FM3 Edit update, rebooted everything, and that fixed it. Worked for a couple of hours no problem, then shut down and went to bed. This morning I've powered everything up and those fields are once again blank. I re-installed the FM3 Edit update to no avail. Also hit the Refresh after Firmware Update and it hasn't helped. The unit itself is fine, but FM3 Edit is still unhappy. Any advice?
Does the editor still work for things like preset or scene changes?

Maybe try first to remove the editor and then install again (vs just a reinstall)?

And can you confirm the version of FM3-Edit you're installing?
Does the editor still work for things like preset or scene changes?

Maybe try first to remove the editor and then install again (vs just a reinstall)?

And can you confirm the version of FM3-Edit you're installing?
yes it still works for all that. I will try removing and re-installing. I'm using the version provided by the link on page one of this thread
Finally got to seriously dig into the new firmware. All I can say is Wow!! Making something great even better is quite the accomplishment. It seems to me that quickly building reasonably complex presets and they sound great right out of the box is even better. The added drive FX are great. The Aurora delay was sounding so good. I could go on and on!

However the first thing I did was carefully read all the official information about the new “BETA” release and put it to memory. Things like this is a “BETA” release and what amp models have been tweaked accordingly. Things like the set list addition is going to take some time to figure out fluently and immediately realizing that the 3 buttons on the FM3 is going to take some creative thinking to get the most out of it. It appears to easily get the most from the set list section additional physical controllers would be helpful. Perhaps an FC6 is in my future. It is still quite useable and I’m sure by the time this firmware is official and is no longer a “BETA” release there will be more information on how to be creative with it.

At this point I would want to be very capable with the FM3 to gig with this “BETA”. Mainly if I’m someone who runs presets at 80% I would throughly test those presets before playing in front of a crowd.
I think you would love adding the
FC6 the OMG9 is a great setup
The way it’s set up you could have
A presets button or scenes button
With a hold function set to load the set list layout on hold
Check this out if you have not already

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