Bug? Fm3 does not save presets name and latency with SC and CS per scene

Yeah. It was strange. Closest issue I’ve seen is having a corrupt blank preset. So I overwrote them with factory and quick build presets and still had no success. And it’s only between those preset slots.

I took a screen cap of the issue as well if needed for reference. But the gist is correct above. Does the same on fm3 edit and on front panel. Did all the usual steps like refreshing presets, after fw etc etc.

Does the same with preset mapping on or off. Even did a factory setup reset without any luck.

Only way to get a preset to “stick” is to create one in the trouble preset range and never copy anything to it.

Just putting up a flare in case I missed something.
This is on his device, correct? Not on yours?
Further testing... I can create a rig using Quick build, (within 384 and 415) Save it to 390 for example, go to another preset, come back to 390 and the built preset is still there. If I go to copy the preset 390 by using "Preset menu > Save a Copy . to 391, I am able to sucessfully save the built preset in this new location.

If I copy a factory preset by using the same technique (Preset > Save a Copy) and save to 391 or any empty preset between 384 and 415, it will not retain the preset once the preset is left and onto another preset. Come back to just saved copy that wasn't built, it is empty.

Hope this makes sense.
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