FM3 and windows audio. Help an idiot please.

But you're wrong about splitting hairs. My past was not contrarian. It was intended to help. It was the computer itself that "took over" the audio. Trying to find a solution elsewhere would be fruitless.
Yet the whole thing started with another member insisting it was only necessary to look at the outboard mixer to find the solution and any suggestion otherwise was “fruitless”.

I would suggest this is opinion from both of us. However, the problem was already solved by the time you entered the discussion. Since much of the context and chronology of events are no longer available (which is very convenient) it’s probably fruitless to continue. I was just correcting the record in an attempt to balance things. If in 2022 a person would have to distinguish that yes, the FM3 did not sprout legs and walk over and physically change the computer then man I’m living in a world that makes no sense to me anymore. Finally, by virtue of the FM3’s drivers it would be reasonable to extract that when physically plugging the FM3 into the computer the drivers and OS did start a sequence of events that caused the issue. Like I said I could have been more perfect with my semantics, but I didn’t expect I was under such extreme scrutiny. And to be clear the scrutiny didn’t begin with you.

I had wrote bit more about the state of social media communication that should have been perfectly fine for free thinking adults, but deleted it for fear of bringing wrath upon myself. Have a good day.
As @chris has stated and after these posts here I have decided during my “suspension” to only use the forum for early information on Firmware updates and will not interact with anyone or anything else. It’s a shame IMHO and not trying to puff myself up, but I have years of playing and gear related experience and also career experience in electrical and mechanical R&D involving components that are in all the devices people use today and take for granite possibly including the FM3 (haven’t torn it apart to see what individual parts mfg were used) . I also am not superficial enough to think I couldn’t learn much from others, too. I think I could have been a positive and helpful influence here, but it’s just not worth it. I’m mostly retired, have a bum knee and have no tolerance at my age for silliness.

I have been a beta tester for various hardware and software before and while being appreciative to be asked It did not make me special.
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