Flying with the axe...


Hey guys!

any experiences flying with the axe fx?? I have some fly dates coming up and want to keep my rig as small as possible, so i will be using my axe direct to FOH at the gig.

do you guys use a rack bag to carry it on board? I need something quick, light, and relatively inexpensive.


I have also been on the hunt for a carry-on rack unit. I looked into the rolling SKB and Gator cases, but for anything above 2U, you're out of luck as far as size restrictions go.

As such, I'd love to know if anyone has had experience checking the Axe in a rack case of any kind. Maybe Cliff can weigh in on this, since it's kinda a technical question, but how would the various components in the Axe fair as far as being rattled around in a rack case such as

Airlines aren't exactly great with handling things with care. So if I were planning on checking the Axe, would it be mandatory to get a padded or shock-mounted case such as

I'd get the 2U one. I have the Gator and it's great for all my mobile recording stuff.
IF you choose to get a airline-proof case, you might as well get the meanest, thickest, most idiot-proof (not you of course!) unit available.
I use a short anvil 3 space rack that fit under the seat of the 737s in which I traveled to play in Havana. The guitar went into overhead, the MFC-101 went into my luggage under the plane.


The rack is in this pic but not my footcontroller. Note that the AxeFx reaches almost to the back. The covers give me headspace for the handles out front and cables out back.

No sweat.

I have a gator bag that has 2U and room for a laptop.....its a tight fit in domestic flights and with the axe and laptop in , its HEAVY! I'm very lucky I even got it on......if I got another I def would get wheels on it!!
I haven't flown with it yet, but I like my Gator GRB-2U rack bag. It was inexpensive and has held up well.

how much room do you have in the front. i mean, it looks like the grab bars on the axe would protrude too far out to zip up the front. also, how much room do you have in the back for cables and such, thx
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