Flanger sweep timing consistency like Van Halen?

I've added an "LFO Bypass Reset" parameter to the Flanger and Phaser blocks. Choices are: Off, 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees. If set to other than Off the LFO will reset to the chosen phase whenever the effect is in bypass.

Cliff, while we are on this same subject:
I was trying to do a slicer type effect with a volume block and sequencer.
I always had this issue when trying to match sequencer to tap tempo and it would never be on time. Sequencer follows the tempo of tap tempo but the beat is offset. In other words i would like sequencer downbeats to match with tap tempo beats.
I was trying to do a slicer type effect with a volume block and sequencer.
I always had this issue when trying to match sequencer to tap tempo and it would never be on time. Sequencer follows the tempo of tap tempo but the beat is offset. In other words i would like sequencer downbeats to match with tap tempo beats.
Are you using the RUN parameter?
Are you using the RUN parameter?

The problem is i dont want Seq to run on Envelope controller, and i also dont want to waste a footswitch dedicated to the run parameter, because it would be very unpractical live.
Imagine: you engage the effect, then you hit tap tempo several times and then you hit run - that is alot of tap dancing and you have to play guitar at the same time!
I would prefer if the tap tempo would retrigger the sequencer start . This would save at least one pressing of the switch, plus i would not waste a footswitch dedicated to Sequencer Run - i think there are alot more useful stuff on the axe that i would want to use a footswitch for.

Ps. Sorry if this is a bit off topic to the op.
I've added an "LFO Bypass Reset" parameter to the Flanger and Phaser blocks. Choices are: Off, 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees. If set to other than Off the LFO will reset to the chosen phase whenever the effect is in bypass.

Could we have it in the Auto-Wah and Tremolo blocks also?

Thanks s lot!
I've added an "LFO Bypass Reset" parameter to the Flanger and Phaser blocks. Choices are: Off, 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees. If set to other than Off the LFO will reset to the chosen phase whenever the effect is in bypass.

I just knew that was coming - what took you so long??

This is what really sets the Axe apart. Shortcomings in the design of gear is very frustrating but, with the Axe, it just gets fixed/improved.
The programming and playing skills of you guys continually amaze me, but not as much as Cliff's responsiveness to the Axe community. Less than 48 hours - that is unheard of!
I've added an "LFO Bypass Reset" parameter to the Flanger and Phaser blocks. Choices are: Off, 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees. If set to other than Off the LFO will reset to the chosen phase whenever the effect is in bypass.
so cool ! great to have those choices.
The programming and playing skills of you guys continually amaze me, but not as much as Cliff's responsiveness to the Axe community. Less than 48 hours - that is unheard of!

And pretty damn amazing in regard to how influential old evh was that here a bunch of guitar nuts are so enamored with a 3 second effect in 2 songs written 35 years ago!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Alright, this is cool!!!

Hey Danny,

Can you ask for control of global parameters thru Axe Edit now?? lol!

LOL!!! I'm so not going to push my luck! We got lucky the guy even gave me a response let alone the time of day and 2 modifications. Hahahahaha! Ok, can't hurt...Cliff, can we...

As I was typing that, I saw a response in my head with the font of God that said simply...

To do this you need to attach an LFO to the Flanger Time parameter. Turn the Flanger Depth to zero. The LFO is now controlling the flanging. Attach a continuous controller, i.e. Extern 1, to the LFO Type parameter (Run). When the CC is true the LFO will run and vice-versa. Whenever the LFO is not running it will reset to 0 degrees. Attach the same CC to the Flanger Byp Mode parameter which is manual bypass. So now when the CC is true the LFO will run and the Flanger will engage. When the CC is false the LFO will stop and reset and the Flanger will bypass.

That's all pretty complicated. In retrospect blocks like this should have an "LFO Reset on Bypass" parameter.
this sounds like the ticket to setting up a robo talk type sound too
now that the lfo bypass reset has been added in the latest few, can anyone shed some light on what the settings ought to be to get that swirl in the unchained intro? where the sweep is downwards in the first instance and upwards in the next on the low e (technically low Db) chug?
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