[fixed] Implement Devin's Wah trick into the Wah block itself

I wouldn't say that there's a problem with auto-engage. Auto-engaging the Wah will ALWAYS cause a hiccup.
I'd say it could be improved to not cause a hiccup with some changes/options to the bypass system.

1. Make the crossfade on bypass/engage slower, or allow setting the fade time. Blocks already crossfade wet & dry when going into or out of thru bypass, but it's pretty fast.

2. Crossfade at a linear speed (if not doing so already). The last time I checked this (on the Axe-FX II), bypass fades used exponentially damped modifier-style ballistics where most of the fade happens in the first 1/4 of the crossfade (which takes about 20-25 ms total IIRC).
One thing I'd recommend is to have the auto engage on toe down position. It's a much smoother transition.
But otherwise yes, a slower cross fade on the auto-engage would definitely handle the request gracefully.
One thing I'd recommend is to have the auto engage on toe down position. It's a much smoother transition.
But otherwise yes, a slower cross fade on the auto-engage would definitely handle the request gracefully.
That would be a good solution if possible because all the wah , whammy and Effects you set auto engage would benefit from that
I use a mission spring pedal and really like the auto engage , but it does have that hiccup
Y’know, that’s always bothered me with auto engaging wah, and until this thread I had no idea there was a workaround. @Admin M@ is truly a genius for devising such a devious workaround.

Yes please put it in the block! Great suggestion.
I use a variation of this trick also. Having a mix control in the Wah block would allow similar without using any additional blocks (as can be used with the pitch / whammy for no hiccup without needing additional blocks).
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