[fixed] Assigning Controllers "channel toggle" to Per Preset FC issue



I've just experienced a weird behaviour:
If I assign the Controllers "effect" channel toggle function to a per preset fc, it does not will work. The colour led doesn't light up (the 3rd footswitch on the picture), and if I press this footswitch, the LCD display says: Control NOT IN THIS PRESET.
This is independent from the presets, I can reproduce it anywhere.

FM3 FW: 5.03
I don't know, if it still present on the newest beta, I only want to upgrade to a 100% stable final firmware, because I do a lot of shows. But I didn't find this bug on the forum.

Can you check, if this is a bug?

Thank you,


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The LCD display says "NOT IN THIS PRESET" when the effect is not present in the preset.
As example, if your preset have no Delay block, and you assign a Footswitch to do something with the Delay block, you will get the message NOT IN THIS PRESET
Yes, of course, but the Controllers page is always there in every presets, and I am using it every time. So, there is no Controllers block in FM3, which I can enable or delete. It's always active.
Or I just hope, that I am using it properly. :)


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Every other effect's channel switching works flawlessly with the footswitches, only the Controllers is affected.
I didn't understand what you mean with Controllers "effect" channel.

Yes, it seems it's a bug. I am on firmware 6 beta 4 and the footswitch doesn't work as expected, same as you.
Thank you!
Not a big bug, I can live with that, and today I found a workaround - my goal was only to make a preset to one of our song. I play this song mostly with a 7 strings guitar, sometimes with my main 6 strings guitar. Different pickups, different signal levels -> different gain levels for the clean boost. Separate rhythm / lead scenes. Altogether 4 different clean boost values. :D And I wanted a footswitch to switch between the two guitars - different clean boost gain levels in the Controllers section, for channel A and B. Then I made plus 3 more scenes with these settings, and I can switch between View 1 and View 2 - two rhythm, two lead, two intro scenes for the two guitars. Maybe a bit complex to understand, as I writing this, but fortunately my main goal has been solved with this workaround.
So awesome, that I can solve whit this FM3 almost every crazy ideas of my weird brain. One of my best investment in the last few years.

Beside that, this bug exists. Maybe not a prio 1 bug. :)
I wrote Controllers "effect", because on the FC Per-Prst page the Controllers section is under the Effect category.
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