First Time Poster here - What Power Amp are you using?

What's up everyone. I am a first time poster here but some of you may know me from RigTalk, Sevenstring or some of the other forums. Ok to the point:

I am going to be the proud owner of an AxeFx Ultra soon and plan to use it with a power amp and the cabs the I currently own (GenzBenz G-Flex 212's). I was wondering what power amps the members here recomend for the Ultra. I am really wanting a VHT/Fryette 2/50/2 as I really love the clips I have heard of it paired with the Axe. Please share your experiences/recomendations/thoughts/advice. Thanks and glad to be here on the Forum.:D
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I'm currently using a Carvin DCM 600, but am upgrading to the DCM 1540L. I love the Carvin Poweramps though, they definitely suit my needs.
Rocktron Velocity 300 through my marshall cab, I love it! sounds great with my ESP 7 string w/ emgs!! the reactance and definition controls def can def be fun to play with and wont cost you a arm and a leg!
+1 on the sla2. i would like to try the matrix though, but im in the US so its a bit of an issue for now
Do you plan to gig with it? If so, I'd go with a high-quality FRFR wedge like a Verve 12ma and give the sound guy at the venue a direct feed from the Axe-FX. The days of mic'ing up cabs on stage (or being forced to use someone else's backline) for FOH sound can be put behind you.
Do you plan to gig with it? If so, I'd go with a high-quality FRFR wedge like a Verve 12ma and give the sound guy at the venue a direct feed from the Axe-FX. The days of mic'ing up cabs on stage (or being forced to use someone else's backline) for FOH sound can be put behind you.

I doubt I will gig anytime soon. I was in a band in the 80's for a brief period of time but have for the most part been a life long hobbyist. Been working over seas for several years and in '09 I had an early mid-life crysis and instead of going the traditional younger woman or sports car route I bought ton of gear and got back into playing again.:lol
I use to power with a VHT 2902. Switched to a SLA-2. Loving it.


So I am gathering that with the AxeFx a tube power amp doesnt make that much of a difference? There was some discussion over on RigTalk about this and that is basically what Ola and some of the other guys were saying. I am finding it hard to get my mind to open to a SS amp but then again - what do I know? :mrgreen
So I am gathering that with the AxeFx a tube power amp doesnt make that much of a difference? There was some discussion over on RigTalk about this and that is basically what Ola and some of the other guys were saying. I am finding it hard to get my mind to open to a SS amp but then again - what do I know? :mrgreen

I've had both Fryettes and an Art SLA2. I'm using a Carvin DCM1540L now and I'm the happiest I've ever been with the Axe. I also have an old Carvin FET1000 I got for $200 on ebay. I wanted to try a mosfet poweramp with the Axe to see how it compared to the regular Carvin - given all the Matrix hype. It sounds great too, but not any better than the DCM1540L after some eq adjustments.

All that being said, I still may yet buy another 2/90/2, just to have the tube power amp option available.
Went from a Carvin DCM200L to a SLA-2 and back to the DCM200L with Atomic passive cabs. Will most likely go to the DCM1540L the big brother of the DCM200L for added head room.
VHT 2902... used ART-SLA2, Mesa Boogie 50/50, F-1200 Carvin (very nice, better than most SS).. And the power amp section of a Mark IV... The best tone still VHT. Others lack one thing or another.... still looking for THE AMP...
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