First Road Badge


I'll give the quick breakdown as not to make this too long.
EDIT: On second thought this ended up long so i'll just start off by warning you.

Tuesday - Axe FX received.. Crap! I get off work, work out briefly (I know.. could skip but thats the first step of failure!), teach guitar lessons for a few hours, eat dinner late, play with the kiddo, watch Gray's Anatomy (with the wife, though i thoroughly love the show) after putting the kiddo in bed then crash.

Wednesday - I slept through my alarm and in a frenzy didn't even take time to open the box yet. Get off work, little bit of time to prepare for the service that night (I'm a full-time staff member at my church) before I need to get the building opened and all my stuff (guitar, amps, pedals etc) ready for the service and do a quick rehearsal of the song list.

Wednesday Night - Church is over and all is clear. Wife has gone to sleep, Kiddo is crashed out on the couch watching Phineas and Ferb so I close the door to my office and hook this thing up to my Event TR6 montiors.

Time - 10:30 "Check!"
Fire up the Axe "ooooh.. Freakin sweet LEDs Check! Check!"
Input volume "When I strum it way to friggen hard, red light blinks rarely Check! Check! Check!"
Output volume channel 1 and 2 "Oh yeah.. I'm feelin the thump Check! Check! Check! Check!"
Preset 1 "Oh..... Whoa....... My Sweet Lord......... Hallelujah.........."
preset 2 ".................This thing is awesome.........."
IM my brother "Dude.. this thing is awesome"
Preset 3 ".............Oh man..............."
IM my brother again "Dude.. This thing with my Anderson is heaven"
Preset 250 "Holy crap its 4AM"
4:30 am i rushed through the remaining presets still giggling like a mad scientist watching the greatest creation unfold before his eyes before going to bed. I then of course lay there smiling while running through presets I want to make until 5 am...

Wake up Thursday exhausted without regret. Get to work and tell my co-worker how awesome the thing is.

Fast forward to Saturday night and I realize I gotta get past the "First Dance" with this thing in the live situation so I hunker down to make a Crunch preset to try out the following morning. After about an hour and a half I had constructed a bluesy rythem patch using the Boutique 1 and a 2x12 with the Royer. This patch was nothing short of amazing for most stuff so I dove it a little further. Used the Top Boost to give myself a Lead/Rythem patch that would clean up with just a little volume roll off. Sahweeet! I then make a Dual Amp crunch rythem with the USA Lead1 and the Recto New. Heavenly sounding I tell you. Then I made a Blackface clean that sounds great on the #2 pickup setting. Dual delays, little chorus/verb immaculate.

Sunday morning. I wake up extra early and haul the Axe and the guitar to the church and hook it up. I make some gain adjustments at the board as i'm just using the XLR left out (Gotta love being in charge of the entire sound system.. Thats right, I set my own gain. Jealous? I think so) and had an incredibly hot signal. I kid you not. An hour and a half with this thing and my patches (rough and basic) sounded so much better than my amp, pedals, switching system and canare cables ever sounded, Period. I was amazed. My ear mix sounded warm and round. No harshness, No Fizz, not oddball harmonics bouncing out of nowhere that couldn't be dialed out to save a life. I didn't touch the graphic eq, I didn't mess with an parametrics on the board. Just a flat eq, gain set nominal, axe at Noon on both input and output (output may have been 11 o'clock). It was just the most inspiring sound I've had in years.. YEARS people.. I'm hooked. After our young adult's service this evening I announced all my old gear was now for sale. To which I think I'm about to make back most of my Axe Money. Haha!

I had a lot of compliments on the guitar sound. My main sound guy said it sat better in the mix than anything else I've used. My brother (Bass player for the Sunday night service) thought I was playing through my amp and said it sounded better than ever. The expressiveness and touch were there which have been lacking for so long. Now I just gotta order my interface so I can do the midi stuff and record some things for you guys and get on with the trading of patches and use some other IRs. I'm spreading the word because this thing is lined with gold.

I gotta say Cliff. I owe you a much larger debt than the cost of the Standard. I owe you a sincere thanks because for the first time in many years I simply could not put down my guitar. I wore down the callouses on two of my fingers so much they were tearing and real sensitive but I kept on. You Sir have inspired myself to play at a point where I simply didn't care to anymore and for that I say, and genuinely mean, Thank you.
Nice review. And the good part is, it only get's better as you dig deeper. Welcome to the club. Look forward to further updates and patches you may develop.
voojo said:
Oh no, I didn't need to read this.

Are you guys just trying to make me go bankrupt? :mrgreen:
That depends on your current setup and what it's worth.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

PlaysARobin, Great review! Congratulations on all of the good things you're experiencing with the Axe! It's a blessing indeed.

Yesterday for the first time I left my own monitor at home and went through the house monitors at our church. Bad choice. We have a whole slew of sound men taking turns, not all of them very experienced... My monitor is on a post aux, cause the pre's are all taken, so I get an EQ-ed version of my sound. I find out they roll of a huge bite of my high end and our monitors are not very bright to begin with. I could hardly hear what I'm playing. I'm sharing the monitor with the flute player. :shock: His sound is very bright, so I can't adjust the monitors tone or he'll have my ears. Of course we find all of this out like five minutes before the service starts...
That afternoon we went to another "churchlike gathering" where they have a rocking band and they allow them to turn it up...

So. Yes. I'm very jealous of you, Robinplayer.
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