First Rehearsal with AxeII (v9.02), Matrix GT1500FXBD & 2 x Matrix CFRs

Ive seen yours - and the quality is really - just expected Matrix to go and do something at the next level ...

EMG - Tosin Abasi - Wave of Babies - YouTube - full pro studio etc etc

I'd seen the Kinsman elsewhere and was tempted - but now endorsed by yourself and at that price its almost a nobrainer ... how did fix the mfc n expression pedals to board ?
Ive seen yours - and the quality is really - just expected Matrix to go and do something at the next level ...

EMG - Tosin Abasi - Wave of Babies - YouTube - full pro studio etc etc

I'd seen the Kinsman elsewhere and was tempted - but now endorsed by yourself and at that price its almost a nobrainer ... how did fix the mfc n expression pedals to board ?

I'd do something better but I don't have the correct gear for it, I looked at getting one of those Zoom Q3s to try and capture the sound better but I don't have the cash lying around to wax on one. It's sort of hard for Matrix to do a video, what are people after in an FRFR vid? You want to hear something sounding like an amp demo I guess, I don't think it can ever really "go pro" due to the nature of an FRFR product and the techniques available for making such a video. If the demo were for a guitar amp then it would probably be close mic'd and wouldn't sound anything like what you actually hear in the room, with FRFR I don;t think you are really ever going to capture the tone, feel etc of the cabs in the room it would be like recording a concert from the audience using a camera, it just does work IMHO... If you have a specific requirement/idea then let me know and I'll see what I can do?

RE the pedalboard, I don't have anything fixed down, the lid is a good fit and keeps things pretty much in place, there isn't really room for anything to move around anyway, yeah I get it I'm lazy :D
Nice review Spence ! I would love to test some of your your presets someday. So, I take that since the latest firmwares you're using more the Axe II and less the KPA ? Just curious
Nice review Spence ! I would love to test some of your your presets someday. So, I take that since the latest firmwares you're using more the Axe II and less the KPA ? Just curious

Yup :)

No probs on the presets, do you have the new Ownhammer cabs as most use this? I would say that my presets are changing at the moment. I'm spending more time on IR "better" selection and less time tweaking amps to try and make them work with other IRs. e.g. previously I would preobably have taken an amp and turned presence, bass and gain down as there was too much in the IR, this was in turn affecting how the amp model actually behaved. No I go for IRs that work with similar settings to what I would use on the real deal and I find that the end result is much more rewarding in both tone and feel. It's been a bit of a revelation for me.

I'm tweaking a fair bit in my DAW and adding a slight lo/high pass filter (1st order) to it, it's sounding great in my DAW but when I try and capture it with the Axe it doesn't sound as good so I'm working on this at the moment. It would be nice to have a 1st order high/low pass filter as I find 2nd and 3rd are a bit serious for my needs, this would get round most of my issues I think.

Anyway, if you are interested I'll happily share some presets, they are pretty simple really, but always happy to share :)

Yup :)

No probs on the presets, do you have the new Ownhammer cabs as most use this? I would say that my presets are changing at the moment. I'm spending more time on IR "better" selection and less time tweaking amps to try and make them work with other IRs. e.g. previously I would preobably have taken an amp and turned presence, bass and gain down as there was too much in the IR, this was in turn affecting how the amp model actually behaved. No I go for IRs that work with similar settings to what I would use on the real deal and I find that the end result is much more rewarding in both tone and feel. It's been a bit of a revelation for me.

I'm tweaking a fair bit in my DAW and adding a slight lo/high pass filter (1st order) to it, it's sounding great in my DAW but when I try and capture it with the Axe it doesn't sound as good so I'm working on this at the moment. It would be nice to have a 1st order high/low pass filter as I find 2nd and 3rd are a bit serious for my needs, this would get round most of my issues I think.

Anyway, if you are interested I'll happily share some presets, they are pretty simple really, but always happy to share :)

Thanks Spence ! Using the right IR from the start is the key and I've been doing that since a long time now. Yes I have the Ownhammer pack, I bought Tiers 3. I also uses "The Messiah", which I can recommend, and "Freddy" from Signals Audio, the guys who made God's Cab. I was not that convinced with the free pack from God's Cab but "Freddy" is better, and I got it with the Christmas sales. Guitar Hack's "ThisOne", Ownhammer's Bogner Beta (with which I made my own mix) and The Messiah are all in the same ballpark, it's fun to test presets made with one IR with another, or to combine them. Did you test the latest G12 V2 from Ownhammer ?
Thanks Spence ! Using the right IR from the start is the key and I've been doing that since a long time now. Yes I have the Ownhammer pack, I bought Tiers 3. I also uses "The Messiah", which I can recommend, and "Freddy" from Signals Audio, the guys who made God's Cab. I was not that convinced with the free pack from God's Cab but "Freddy" is better, and I got it with the Christmas sales. Guitar Hack's "ThisOne", Ownhammer's Bogner Beta (with which I made my own mix) and The Messiah are all in the same ballpark, it's fun to test presets made with one IR with another, or to combine them. Did you test the latest G12 V2 from Ownhammer ?

Cool I'll check those IRs out, they sound good on the clips.

RE the new V2 Ownhammer, yes I am using that. My current fav is a mix of two cabs one SM57 and one R121, can't remember off the top of my head but have it saved at home. I then add a 1st order high pass at 70hz and a 1st order low pass at 6-10k just to smooth out the highs a little. They sound great to my ears but I am having issues capturing this back into my Axe as a single cab so it's a bit of a work in progress :)

I'll post some more accurate setting when I get home.

Hey Fremen,

I purchased the IRs you mentioned above, not a fan of The Messiah at all, not sure if the Redwirez MixIR doesn't like it but it sounds really fizzy in the top, almost like there is no cab sim on at all, the rest of the cab doesn't sound too bad, shame cause the clips sound rocking! Also Ownhammer IR converter won't convert the WAV to Axe2 IR format, I presume that the wav is at a different bitrate or something... Freddy sounds ok, again not really my taste. Always good to try new things though :)

I'm currently liking the Ownhammer G12M RI as my fav.

Tone is a really strange thing as I love your (and many others) clips that I hear but when I use the same IRs or presets they generally don't work for me, it really doesn't make sense....

Anyway I'll try and sort some presets for you to try and see if you like them...

It's really strange, the Messiah and ThisOne, my fav IR, are close enough to be swapped... Check my latest video, on some presets I swap them through scenes :
Axe FX II - Some presets using scenes (firmware 9.02) - YouTube
I converted The Messiah with r8brain pro first (44.1 to 48khz), then to Axe II .syx format with Axeomatic. Now that you've bought it I can send you the converted file, you'll see if it sounds the same or not than yours
Really cool setup. Must get me some tags for my MFC :D

Have you tried the Q12? How is it compared to the CFR?
Really cool setup. Must get me some tags for my MFC :D

Have you tried the Q12? How is it compared to the CFR?

Not tried the Q12, I used to own the HPR122i, wasn't a great fan TBH, it was a great loudspeaker for music but didn't work well as a guitar speaker IMHO. It felt very sterile and didn't really give me a cab response CFR does this much better.

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