First REAL gig with the FX8.


Had a proper gig in a proper venue with a proper backline and proper PA. Was extremely tempted to go stereo, but in the end - as I hadn't been rehearsing that way - decided against it... maybe next time.

We own our own PA and rehearsal space and levels are generally kept REASONABLY quiet (there IS a drummer after-all) and so most of the reaction by the band mates to the FX8 has been things like:

- that's a cool new part/sound
- you look like you're having more fun (not tap dancing)
- you're gonna save your back
- you finally were able to fix that issue you never fixed with your other pedalboard

Very business-like and not really "oohs and ahhs"... but they don't REALLY hear me that much... electronic pop and indie pop... not all guitar driven...and the guitars are often pretty minimal or atmospheric... not really any shredding...

Anyway - the gig...

First off, the sound check was amazing... our soundguy was pretty amazed how CLEAR everything sounded... we dicked around a bit with the master EQ but honestly we maybe added or cut a dB here and there... nothing drastic.

The gig was class - the sound of the drives and atmosphere and octaves and delays were all just epic... epic.

After the gig everyone wanted to have a look at it - a guitarist from another band didn't believe I'd gone digital and was just RAVING about the sound...

The bassist and SINGER both said it was the best sound I've ever had... all those years chasing !@£!^%$ boutique pedals all for naught... well... not for naught, but it was a revelation it is to not need be crippled by a car sized pedalboard... and have better tones... even drive tones... man oh man.

There's still some issues I need to work through, a few bypass settings and volume matching and EQ'ing I need to do, but... for as complex as it is, it's pretty damn simple to get amazing sounds out of...

Hats off Fractal guys... this thing is a total dream come true!
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I was relieved too as mine worked / sounded great.
I've never spent this much money on a single pedal in my life !

It was a really big deal for me as well... and a big leap of faith... but it really is miles better than I could've hoped! And honestly I think if only people had access to them to try and hear they'd take the leap... I'm trying to get it in front of as many people as I can... but it's a hard sell... the price, the waitlist, the only mail order...
Very cool, glad you dug it so much live. Almost pulled the trigger on the FX8, but am looking to do the AX8 and carry that 1 piece of gear for gigs. thanks for the post and stoked it worked so well for you.
Very cool, glad you dug it so much live. Almost pulled the trigger on the FX8, but am looking to do the AX8 and carry that 1 piece of gear for gigs. thanks for the post and stoked it worked so well for you.

I gotta say - while I AM considering crossgrading to the AX8 - it's such a thrill to have so much power and creative options AND have that amazing amp in the room thing....

THAT makes me happy.

: )
Had a proper gig in a proper venue with a proper backline and proper PA. Was extremely tempted to go stereo, but in the end - as I hadn't been rehearsing that way - decided against it... maybe next time.

We own our own PA and rehearsal space and levels are generally kept REASONABLY quiet (there IS a drummer after-all) and so most of the reaction by the band mates to the FX8 has been things like:

- that's a cool new part/sound
- you look like you're having more fun (not tap dancing)
- you're gonna save your back
- you finally were able to fix that issue you never fixed with your other pedalboard

Very business-like and not really "oohs and ahhs"... but they don't REALLY hear me that much... electronic pop and indie pop... not all guitar driven...and the guitars are often pretty minimal or atmospheric... not really any shredding...

Anyway - the gig...

First off, the sound check was amazing... our soundguy was pretty amazed how CLEAR everything sounded... we dicked around a bit with the master EQ but honestly we maybe added or cut a dB here and there... nothing drastic.

The gig was class - the sound of the drives and atmosphere and octaves and delays were all just epic... epic.

After the gig everyone wanted to have a look at it - a guitarist from another band didn't believe I'd gone digital and was just RAVING about the sound...

The bassist and SINGER both said it was the best sound I've ever had... all those years chasing !@£!^%$ boutique pedals all for naught... well... not for naught, but it was a revelation it is to not need be crippled by a car sized pedalboard... and have better tones... even drive tones... man oh man.

There's still some issues I need to work through, a few bypass settings and volume matching and EQ'ing I need to do, but... for as complex as it is, it's pretty damn simple to get amazing sounds out of...

Hats off Fractal guys... this thing is a total dream come true!

You said electro pop and indie pop? I really love those kind of music and I always trying to chase the tone of electro/indie pop in my fx8. Any share tricks or presets?
What guitar and amp do you use? What electro/indie pop band is your favourite?
You said electro pop and indie pop? I really love those kind of music and I always trying to chase the tone of electro/indie pop in my fx8. Any share tricks or presets?
What guitar and amp do you use? What electro/indie pop band is your favourite?

I use two custom made Gregorious Amps. They are made by a Hungarian guy based in Ireland... they're just his own thing... not clones of any existing circuits... 50w each.



(Sorry for the quality of the photos, they were taken in a very dark room...)

I LOVE them, but am also considering buying yet another amp in the future, but we'll see...

As far as tricks or whatever... I record a LOT and have for years and years... I also own a studio of sorts... so my main thing is to only play what I need to at any given point... which means lots of minimalism... I also played bass before I played guitar and see a lot of what I do as a link between the drums and the bass and the melodic side of things...

The best advice I could give you is this: if you don't have a good reason to be playing, don't play. ;)

Saying that, its pretty easy to use a lower octaves and delay to get some very synth-y sounds... so I use that along with fuzz and delay to carve little melodic spaces for myself... :)

I'm gonna upload some presets in the coming weeks - once I have everything the way I want it :)
here's a promo photo of a very similar amp to one of mine, just so you can get a real sense of the build quality - which is lovely :)

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