firmware 9 envelope follower question


doesn't really seem to sound like a real mutron three to me

messed around with all the settings and i can't really get any real quick.

Anyone have some sample settings?
It sounds and reacts pretty much exactly like my Micro-Tron.

Block attached. This was tuned with my Silver Sky. So adjust to your guitar and playing.


  • Mu-Tron v2_20240901_173527.blk
    499 bytes · Views: 38
It's all about the sensitivity setting to get the right response to your picking dynamics. Too low and it won't open up all the way. Too high and it opens up too soon. It takes some tweaking to get it just right.
i tried a bunch of different settings. What's a starting sensitivity
It sounds and reacts pretty much exactly like my Micro-Tron.

Block attached. This was tuned with my Silver Sky. So adjust to your guitar and playing.
when I import and recall it, it looks like this...

I guess it doesn’t work across devices. I’ll post a screenshot.
awesome, thanks. I wondered about that. I wish there was a tool which could do that. Fractool doesn't seem to be able to handle fm3 destinations
Thanks, it didn't really work for me with a solid body and classic 57 style humbuckers. This is the tone I'm after which I can get with a mutron III. The tones I'm getting from the envelope filter are much more subtle.

Try increasing Peak and/or Sensitivity...

This sounds closer to the record and to my Mutron III

View attachment 144695

That doesn't tell the whole story because we don't see the settings on the Envelope Follower controller that (I assume) is attached to Control parameter.
doesn't really seem to sound like a real mutron three to me

messed around with all the settings and i can't really get any real quick.

Anyone have some sample settings?
Leon Todd in his video on Firmware V9.00 gives some good examples of how to use it.
I've played with this a little and so far I feel like I get a better sound using the filter block and envelope follower. To be fair I only spent an hour with it and have spent untold hours dialing in the filter settings I like. When the next axe firmware comes out of beta I will likely spend a lot more time trying to dial it in. Having owned most of the major mutron copies at one time or another I can say that is is a finicky effect and very guitar/player sensitive, getting the threshold right is step one then learning to control it with your pick attack is the real trick.
I've played with this a little and so far I feel like I get a better sound using the filter block and envelope follower. To be fair I only spent an hour with it and have spent untold hours dialing in the filter settings I like. When the next axe firmware comes out of beta I will likely spend a lot more time trying to dial it in. Having owned most of the major mutron copies at one time or another I can say that is is a finicky effect and very guitar/player sensitive, getting the threshold right is step one then learning to control it with your pick attack is the real trick.
To me, this sounds more like the mutron than the envelope follower

Sensitivity depends entirely on your guitar's output and how hard you pick. You have to tune it by ear.
... and potentially any processing that's inline before the filter. Putting it after a compressor or anything that limits the dynamic range (like a dirt block or amp block) will limit the sensitivity. Which can actually be a desired effect (for example, a limiter set to clamp it to just hit the desired peak). And I suppose one could use an expander to expand the dynamic range before it hits the filter if they weren't getting sufficient dynamics from a particular instrument.
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