Finally got a good Mu-Tron tone

Oh now I’m definitely going to try to copy it from the post and put it on AxeChange.

Become a vendor if you want to sell presets.
Don’t be a douche. Asking people to support you along the way in the journey doesn’t mean one needs to be a vendor. The post didn’t start off as ploy to sell a preset. Do whatever you want with the settings dude.
Man you can’t be on here asking for money and telling other people they don’t get the spirit of what’s going on here. Every single person on this site asking for money was forced into the Vendors forum. You’re not the special exception.
Man you can’t be on here asking for money and telling other people they don’t get the spirit of what’s going on here. Every single person on this site asking for money was forced into the Vendors forum. You’re not the special exception.
Once again, this post was not created with the intent to sell. I provided settings... Then an individual asked for the whole preset to which I pointed them to look at the settings but if they wanted the whole preset they could get it by supporting in purchasing my EP, not the preset... Let's just move on.
Man you can’t be on here asking for money and telling other people they don’t get the spirit of what’s going on here. Every single person on this site asking for money was forced into the Vendors forum. You’re not the special exception.

He showed us his Mutron settings. People started asking for a preset and he offers those through Band Camp. I've seen other people that do things like that. The thread was about building a Mutron not about selling preset, and you're busting his balls over it. I honestly don't understand your beef on this.
He showed us his Mutron settings. People started asking for a preset and he offers those through Band Camp. I've seen other people that do things like that. The thread was about building a Mutron not about selling preset, and you're busting his balls over it. I honestly don't understand your beef on this.
Thank you for seeing the situation clearly… I don’t want this to turn into any negative thread. Let’s just press forward with awesome MuTron funking 🙌🏼
Carl: Moderator calls roughing the poster Bob! Do you think there will be any fines?

Bob: Well, it depends on what kind of glue that poster is hung with! I say good call though, I think it was fair!!

Carl: Back to you Jim!
I reverse engineered a Mutron last week. Just haven't had time to code the algorithm.
This is great news! I've sitting here with my MicroTron IV for a while trying to capture the sound and feel of it and I just can't get it right. I use this effect so much on gigs that I've settled for bringing the extra pedal out. I'd much rather just have everything in the box and simplify my setup.
This is great news! I've sitting here with my MicroTron IV for a while trying to capture the sound and feel of it and I just can't get it right. I use this effect so much on gigs that I've settled for bringing the extra pedal out. I'd much rather just have everything in the box and simplify my setup.
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try the settings I shared and tell us what you think.
try the settings I shared and tell us what you think.
I ended up tweaking quite a bit. It's close, but not 100% to my real Mutron. The real thing has much more low end in it without getting flubby. Boosting the EQ doesn't seem to help. I got most of the tone and feel dialed in pretty well, though. Here are my modified settings:


  • mutron1.png
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  • mutron2.png
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  • mutron3.png
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  • mutron4.png
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I ended up tweaking quite a bit. It's close, but not 100% to my real Mutron. The real thing has much more low end in it without getting flubby. Boosting the EQ doesn't seem to help. I got most of the tone and feel dialed in pretty well, though. Here are my modified settings:

I saved a copy of Guy’s Mutron and changed it to your settings. They’re both good and thanks for sharing. I’ve never owned the real deal but I saw a bunch of Dead and Company shows where Mayer was using a Q-Tron on the Mutron songs. When he did Prophet the low end would slam you a bit. There’s probably a way to do that but it would need another block that amplifies the lows and frequency dependent. Not sure how to do something like that. Like you guys I’m excited about Cliff putting out a Mutron block. Hopefully early 24. Maybe in the next release. One can only hope. Merry Christmas folks!
wow, thanks for this man, dialed it in on your settings then just had to adjust the envelope setting as my pickups must be quite a bit lower output than yours, but good god is that fun! I used to have a Q-tron back in the day that was pretty fun (when it was working) - I' think I'm going to add this to my main gigging preset and break it out next show. Attached the the block in case anyone else is on a strat and wants it.

a quick first rip!

Which settings did you change? When I load the block, nothing changed compared to the version from OP.
Which settings did you change? When I load the block, nothing changed compared to the version from OP.
Yeah unfortunately the settings I changed don't get included with the block - I changed the envelope control curve (forget what it's called, but when you right click on the knob and it opens that sloped graph?) to adapt it to my lower output strat pickups.
This is great news! I've sitting here with my MicroTron IV for a while trying to capture the sound and feel of it and I just can't get it right. I use this effect so much on gigs that I've settled for bringing the extra pedal out. I'd much rather just have everything in the box and simplify my setup.
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How did you get the text on your FM9 so big?
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