Feels like a tipping point for live shows has hit the bar scene

I still often have a hard time explaining, even to bandmates if I'm filling in, that the cabinet I'm running through is not the amp, i.e. all the sounds are coming from the FM9 on the floor which is a little computer.
I still often have a hard time explaining, even to bandmates if I'm filling in, that the cabinet I'm running through is not the amp, i.e. all the sounds are coming from the FM9 on the floor which is a little computer.
Similarly, I had a difficult time getting my bandmates to understand that my FRFR wedges were just PA stage monitors, and not limited to guitar. Initially the band leader kept bringing redundant wedges. He loves my FRFRs now. We run some vocals, a little bass, and a bit of kick drum in them as well as guitar. And he doesn't have to carry them or fit them in his car.
The church I worked for, before quitting and renouncing my faith altogether, bought the incredibly high end DW E series electronic kits and cymbals. Almost $10k. All wireless, uses their collectors edition shells, multiple zone cymbals. Honestly an incredible feat. But the cymbals were actually LOUDER than the acoustic ones we were using lmao.
It was pretty comical to take the ears out and hear our drummer smacking what sounds like a metal table over and over.
Lots of complaints that people in the first few rows could hear the smack of the cymbals over the PA.
I have to ask, though it may be “officially” against forum rules (feel free to pm me), but why or what made you “renounce your faith altogether”? This is very disturbing to me, and I’d love to know why.
I have to ask, though it may be “officially” against forum rules (feel free to pm me), but why or what made you “renounce your faith altogether”? This is very disturbing to me, and I’d love to know why.
I’ll PM you. Don’t want to go that far off the deep end in the thread.
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I have to agree with @nolesj. It is very disturbing...to say the least.
I understand why someone in the faith would be disturbed by that. But it’s truly good for people to question their beliefs and challenge themselves as they grow and understand themselves and the world better. It’s been a long process and the end result has been my deconstruction and ultimate leaving of my faith/religion.

It’s ok, I still care about all humans. Christian, Muslim, whatever. My morals and ethics haven’t changed because I no longer believe in religion. But discovering what I personally believe in has been a journey that may never end.

I’d like to leave it at that. If you’d like to talk, I would be more than happy to have a private conversation via PM.
Modelers are especially good in quiet stage, IEM situations. My band's problem is we have real drums, and one guitarist who wants to use his tube amp and wedge monitor. So this presents a problem in most of the small clubs we play in. If we went amp-less for keys, my guitar and bass, that would present one guitar and a lot of drums on the stage and the middle of the dance floor. PA speakers pointed into the middle of the dance floor would help. But it seems like everyone has to go silent stage or no-one should. Anyone else have experience or suggestions on this?
my experience : in small clubs at least, my wedge is needed, no IEM.
That gives some impact from my guitar, in line with what comes from drums and bass. It's not like medium/large venue, some loud sound is needed in the backline too.

I also put PA speakers ahead the singer's line, and use my wedge to give also some voice and keyboard monitoring to me, bass and drummer.

We have lots of fun with such setup.
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