Feels like a tipping point for live shows has hit the bar scene

Did a local bar show this weekend. There as a tube amp and a 4x12 on the stage.
The other band brought it as a backup to their dual GT1000s they ran thru their PA. That was a first, for me, and a sign of the times.
The tube amp demoted to emergency backup. Huh.

I ran my FM9T thru two EV PXM12s and it was glorious! The other band were nice folks, and also a little jealous of the FM9. I noticed they were running way more FX, perhaps to compensate for the less amazing core amp sounds?

I did 90% of the set with just input noise gate, a JVM model on the orange channel and a little reverb. That's it! I did a +3.5db boost post amp for solos. I threw some chorus and delay on my cleaner sounds, which was like 5% of the set.

Rich, clear and loud, but crucially not too loud. I ran two EVs to get better coverage without having to crank.
how are the ex's ive considered them
the cab was not miked, the direct XLR won the day :laughing: I think he just genuinely couldn't get his head around the FRFR vs. standard guitar cab thing.
I would bet you are right! Given where we are to day with modeling I'm surprised when I see a thread like this. I guess there are still a few out there that haven't got the message and feel they have to put a mic in front of everything.
how are the ex's ive considered them
I have no complaints except the official slip cover is a bit too tight to put on without feeling like you are wrestling.
The sound, the weight, the inputs/outputs and EQ - all get it done without much trouble.

I've tried other brands and while I don't want to knock them, they have their own price points for a reason, these are my go to.
If sounding the way you expect is worth it to you, these are worth what they cost - in the US anyway.
I also see more and more modellers on stages. But as well I see more people that still use 'classic' rigs now dropping cabs and using load boxes instead. So I guess to those that prefer the simplicity of a single amp it's still a neat and very portable solution. Especially if you are using a small 5-20 watt amp.

But I couldn't be happier with my FM9 as a all-in-one solution.
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