FC12 MkI or MkII to let the FM9 away from front of stage ?


Hi guys,

I've already post this question on FB but I would be happy to have your thoughts here.

I'm considering getting a FC12 for my FM9 MkII in order to just use the FC12 in front of me (and protect the FM9 away from the stage and prevent from liquid accidents + more switches).
For now, I can get two used deals : a FC12 MkI or FC12 MkII.
Two questions :

  1. Are the scribble strips on the MkI enough visible while playing on stage for you ? Or do you think the MkII worth it ? I'm pretty tall for information...

  2. Did you consider to have only the switcher in front of you (and the unit/computer away from the front of the sage to avoid accidents) ?
    I've talked with Zack Seif on FB and he is pretty clear that the FM9 is pretty robust and a KnK shields is more than sufficient to prevent damages but I'm still worried of someone falling or dancing with beverage too close to the stage (the "stage" is at the same level as the audience and pretty small so...).
Any advice is welcomed
Thanks so much !
Mark 1 is plenty visible. In fact I like the look of the units with the smaller LCD strips so I opted for a Turbo Mk1 as everything else is the same.
Purely personal taste, but the Mk2s have a certain "big, dumb" look to them. I'd play either, though, and just opted to save some money as a bonus.
Actually I love the FM9 and use it during rehearsal. But for more risky situations (gigs), I think about this solution.
Like you, I have a few regular gigs where there is no good separation between me and various drunken audience members. I have an FC-6 and FC-12, the latter of which is primarily meant for use with my Axe FX 3. But I sometimes use the FCs at my feet and keep the FM9 in the back to ensure no one spills on the FM9. People might wonder why I don't just bring the Axe FX 3 instead. The reason is that it's harder to move and I keep it set up in a home studio.
Thanks for your answer ! Since you already have your FC units for the FX3, the real question is : would you invest in a FC6 or FC12 just to put the FM9 away from front of stage ?
I'm in the process of setting up a Morningstar MC6 Pro with a Dunlop DVP4 on a tiny board for just this reason so I can have a very small "remote control" board to keep my FM9 out of harms way when needed.

The board is tiny and I can run the Morningstar from a mobile phone power bank so the only stage cable is a midi cable to the FM9 (I use a Boss or Line 6 wireless for gigs)
Thanks @Beexter ! Yeah that seem to be a great solution too ! But I'm fond of the FC footswitches (love them). I've just gigged with my FM9 and it was just stunning ! Will try to use the FC12 in front of me while protecting the FM9 behind me (or on side, away from liquids 😅).
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