Favorite Reverb/EQ/Effects plugin and go


Fractal Fanatic
Shopping for a reverb plugin. Gimme all your favs. Note this is not just guitar centric but for use in a whole music mix context. Keys, synth, drums and of course guitar!
I got the supermassive Valhalla for free which is great but not quite the treatment for most of my tracks. From the Valhalla offerings...would you guys say the Vintage Verb is the best overall workhorse verb?
Aether from 2C-Audio.

I was switched onto it by a very well-known and busy film and TV composer in the UK. I have the expansion packs of presets for it too. Super smooth convolution reverb covering absolutely every base you could think of.

Pretty pricey usually, by my standards anyway, but I see it's on sale now for $100 instead if the usual $250. Has a great rep, but the price has kept me from demoing it.
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