Fate of Axe-Edit?

Axe-Manage is going to be awesome. I can't wait to get my hands on that. I'm holding off on some major changes I want to make to my patches until it's released. It's going to allow me to tap into some of the power of the Axe-FX that I'm not currently using because it's just too much of a hassle.

I'm also looking forward to an efficient way of sharing patches once again.


I just updated my Ultra, which was 10.02, to 11 using axe-edit 0.9.185. No hiccups. Worked great. I'd expect you to have success with your version. Hope this helps.
0.9.185 should work fine for a firmware upgrade, but I highly recommend that you upgrade to 0.9.191 (current release of AxeEdit) as it has full support for 11.

Version 1.0 will be backward compatible.
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I just updated my Ultra, which was 10.02, to 11 using axe-edit 0.9.185. No hiccups. Worked great. I'd expect you to have success with your version. Hope this helps.

Yes. Loaded 11. I deleted my bank a presets off the Ultra reloaded to test. No probs...

I just updated my Ultra, which was 10.02, to 11 using axe-edit 0.9.185. No hiccups. Worked great. I'd expect you to have success with your version. Hope this helps.
Thanks man. I too was able to update to 11 after getting the latest axe-edit. I had to mess with the midi buffer size though. Once i did that, now it works beautifully and I'm glad I did the upgrade. :)
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