Fasbundle separate purchased songs

It can be a little confusing at first, but scenes are not stand alone entities. They are basically just one of 8 different saved grid states for each preset. They only set the bypass state and current selected channel of each block on the grid, plus a few other features like scene controllers and scene levels which you can learn about later.

One way to think about it would be like a traditional pedalboard rig. The preset and grid would be like your whole rig. The blocks would be like your individual pedals, amp, cab, etc. Each block has different channels kind of like how an amp might have different sets of knobs for each channel. Scenes would be sort of like the saved states of a programmable loop switcher to control which pedals or amp channels were active or not.
Thanks. Yeah I finally understand.
You SHOULD do that! OCD is not a bad thing if it makes life easier later while you are singing, playing, and having fun.
Exactly HOW to do that is in the video I sent you. In case you missed it, here is the link again:

Yep, going to watch your video, just going to finish up clearing out all of the scenes.
Trying to avoid overload. Got to keep my mind on one track or I get flustered.
Thanks Fellers!
Thanks for the video MR Mod. It was a big help.
Got all of them done. I understand a lot more too.
Now on to setting up the FC-6.

Let it be known there were no KPAs harmed during this exercise.
Glad you figured it out. It looks like your preset packs were from Gilmour's Digital.
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