FAS Crunch ... Anyone else experiencing this?

I am trying to understand this .So if i am following. you went looking for phantom frequencies that only will occur when the drive .is .99 the sat and bright are off but the fat is on. is this correct .Is it only on that one specific setting?
If gain is increased to 1. or 1.02 does it go away . Its strange but most users I doubt are going to be lucky enough to find that combo on their own

No, I stumbled upon this. It would seem that the model is not fit for drive values less than 1.00 with the boost on, and sat and brt off; Yes, it goes away with drive set at 1.00 or higher. Just my luck I guess :)
I get the same. Just me and Output 1 through headphones.

Preset: Corncob
Amp: FAS Crunch
Drive: .99
Boost: On
Sat: Off
Bright: Off

The Alien Love Song starts after about a minute.

"Guess I won't hold my arm that way." ;)
LOL!!! Just tried it! This is too Freaky!! Mine did it too! turn the dial on gain and the sounds change! Must be a portal to hear all the minions doing their thing in there!!!!!
I get the same. Just me and Output 1 through headphones.

Preset: Corncob
Amp: FAS Crunch
Drive: .99
Boost: On
Sat: Off
Bright: Off

The Alien Love Song starts after about a minute.
It did that for me, too. Played around with it a bit:

  • Lowering the gain to 0.96, the output muted.
  • Back up to 0.97, the alien voices came back.
  • Parked at 0.97 for about a minute; there was an abrupt change to a steady whistle (sounded like a distorted sine wave (~6 KHz?)).
  • Dropped down to 0.96, and there was background noise; a few seconds later, the alien voices faded back in.
  • Dropped to 0.94; output muted.
  • Back up to 0.95; the voices are back.
  • Back down to 0.94; distorted sine wave (~1300 Hz?).
  • Down to 0.93; Voices are back. The level starts to surge after a minute or two, then fades to black.
  • Back to 0.99; silence for a minute, then the voices fade back in.
  • Up to 1.00; the aliens change their message.
  • At 1.05. the voices are silent.

Once this happens, input from the guitar has no effect. Eventually, the weirdness showed up at lot of gain settings (all of them?).

The ultimate weirdness:

At a gain setting of 4.79, there was what sounded like a distorted voice, chanting in time with the bloops and bleeps, saying, "due to...what interest?...due to...what interest?...due to...what interest?..."

I get that the doctor says not to do that, but should it really be happening at all? Sounds cool through the rotary, though. :)
"Those are primes! 2,3,5,7, those are all prime numbers and there's no way that's a natural phenomenon!" - Dr. Ellie Arroway (Contact)

I agree, it should probably be looked at, but it's a FAS amp, maybe it's by design. ;)
If there's any such signals out there, the senders are either really stupid...........or are having a joke, because anyone with some grit would just come out an say it. Neat sounds. I'm wondering whether the culprit of these things is that the patches aren't automatically reset when firmware is loaded, and there's some subtle incompatibility in the programming of the prior firmware's patches and how the new firmware handles them. Some sort of auto-reset during/after firmware loading without losing patch data, if possible, would be really great.
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