Farty low end... preset issue or guitar issue?


Fractal Fanatic
I'm trying to dial in a crunch tone using Brit/Marshall type amp models specifically for my Strat. I notice that using the neck pickup I cannot get away from this farty, buzzy overtone. I've tried dialling it out of the preset (Master Vol, Gain, Bass, Comp, etc.) but with no luck. Getting the same issue with different amp models. Now I wonder whether it may be due to my guitar setup... Either the action being too low or the neck pickup too high. Please listen to the clip and let me know whether you can hear what I hear:


Cab is Factory 41 in Hi mode.

My guitar is a Strat Custom Classic fitted with Joe Bardens.

Incidentally, I'm trying to get close the the Marshall 1987X tone at 3:54 in the following video:
Sounds like you're hitting a resonant frequency that is clipping the sound card. Try some subtractive EQ and drop out the trouble frequency.

EDIT: Try a different IR and reset the amp block.

Did you ever think of just asking Clark for the presto he used in the clip? Seems a little easier than tweaking all night.
It's a vintage non-MV amp model. When you crank the gain (Drive) the low notes will 'fart'.
BTW, this model works well with Bass at zero.
I think one of your tube retainers is a little loose. ;) (jk of course, couldn't contain myself)
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