Error 16 when updating mfc101 mark3


Error 16

latest fractal bot, latest firmware on AXE FX2

Last update was fine, but this time no. What to do?
14.2 Firmware Update Error Codes
1 Invalid Start Message The SysEx start message was corrupted. Retry and if the problem persists, then
there is a problem with the image.
2 Unexpected Start Message A SysEx start message was received after the update was started. This can be
caused by stopping the update in the middle and re-starting it. Reboot and start the
update again.
3 Invalid Base Address The firmware address specified in the image is invalid. The firmware image may be
4 Message Checksum Failed A corrupted SysEx message was received. Reboot and start the update again. If the
problem persists, then the image may be corrupted.
5 Invalid Image Size The firmware size specified in the image is invalid. The firmware image may be
6 Invalid Data Message A corrupted SysEx image data message was received. Reboot and start the update
again. If the problem persists, then the image may be corrupted.
7 Image Size Exceeded The image data received exceeds the size specified in SysEx start message. Reboot
and start the update again. If the problem persists, then the image may be
8 Unexpected Data Message A SysEx image data message was received before the update was started. This can
be caused by stopping the update in the middle and re-starting it while SysEx data is
still being transmitted. Stop the SysEx transmit, reboot, and start the update again.
9 Invalid Data Size The image data size specified in the SysEx message does not match the expected
size. Reboot and start the update again. If the problem persists, then the image
may be corrupted.
10 Flash Write Failed The firmware image could not be written to flash. Retry the update and if the
problem persists, then the unit may have a hardware problem.
11 Invalid End Message The SysEx end message was corrupted. Retry the update and if the problem
persists, then there is a problem with the image.
12 Unexpected End Message A SysEx end message was received before all of the image data was received (or
before a start message was received). This can be caused by stopping the update in
the middle and re-starting it while SysEx data is still being transmitted. Stop the
SysEx transmit, reboot, and start the update again.
13 Truncated Image A SysEx end message was received before the complete image data was received.
Retry the update and if the problem persists then there is a problem with the
14 Image Checksum Failed The checksum of the transmitted image data did not match the expected image
checksum. Retry the update and if the problem persists, then there is a problem
with the image.
15 EEPROM Write Failed The write of the firmware image size, version, or checksum to EEPROM failed. Retry
the update and if the problem persists, then there is a problem with the image.
16 Message Too Small The received SysEx message was not big enough to be a valid firmware update
message. Retry the update and if the problem persists, then there is a problem with
the image.
17 Invalid Manufacturer ID The image is for a device that is not manufactured by Fractal Audio Systems. Verify
that the correct firmware image is being transmitted. If the image is for the correct
device, then the image may be corrupted.
18 Invalid Model ID The image is not for an MFC-101. Verify that the correct firmware image is being
transmitted. If the image is for the correct device, then the image may be
corrupted. This can be caused by SysEx data for another device being sent to the
MFC-101 while it is in firmware update mode (for example, Tempo or Tuner data
from a connected Axe-Fx II).

Try to download the firmware again. And then update once more.
Thanks but.... Done that, downloaded mfc firmware few times but always error 16 on mfc display.
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