Ernie Ball Cobalts...anyone else try them yet?

I really didn't like them. Too much upper midrange. They felt rough and just didn't sound smooth. I'm an old dog who likes pure nickel.
I tried them out thinking they would last longer. For me the D'addario xls just win out because they are cheap and get the job done with strings. I'm not very particular on this issue beside longevity. I can dial anything else in or out. $40 for a pack of 10 sets wins out over all. I have several guitars and the Cobalts never offered anything I couldn't get from the D'addarios.
Yeah, I strung up last night and not really digging them very much. The pickups in the Anderson I put them on are already a little hot, and these really make it distort more than I like.

Oh, well. Live and learn. Guess I'll have to play more to hurry up and wear them out.
On a recommendation of my tech, I tried SIT strings on my main guitar. I've been using pure nickel strings for a long time, which oxidize quickly, especially during long shows during the summer months. The SIT strings seem to sound very close to the tone of the pure nickel sets, but last longer.
When my main guitar needed a refret last year, I went with stainless steel frets. I'm completely sold on the stainless steel, and when it's time to refret my other guitars I'll be doing the same with them.
I just took the msteels off my Jem and put some nickel strings on. None of my presets sound right now. I didn't think it would make that big of a difference but it does. I think I am going back to the msteels for now.
I was attracted by the Cobalt advertising and put a set on my Gibson Blueshawk. Immediately I was turned off by the rough feel and could not really perceive enough of a hotter output to justify the hype or the feel. I came away feeling that the perceived benefits were just marketing hype and couldn't recommend them to anyone.
See now I've read several places that people say that they felt rough, but I can't imagine a string feeling smoother. I'm wondering if you didn't get a bad set or something because the only way that I can describe it is the feel of a guitar after having your frets polished where everything just feels like butter. These are insanely great feeling. The more I play them though the more I'm thinking that the hotter output is not what I want.

Any comments on the Nanowebs?
and could not really perceive enough of a hotter output to justify the hype or the feel. I came away feeling that the perceived benefits were just marketing hype and couldn't recommend them to anyone.
That’s the way I feel also.
I got 2 sets of cobalt’s when they came out, from the get-go did not like them but decided to live with them. Got use to the feel but did not care for the sound, mostly on the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] & 6[SUP]th[/SUP] strings. Tried adjusting pickup height and all that but still did not care for them. Put the other set away, about a year later put those on a different guitar, same result basically just don’t like them. With some drive, the Cobalt’s sounded ok, but it was the clean sound that killed it for me and that’s always my starting point.

My string of choice these days are Dunlop Nickel’s, I love the sound yes! I have no idea what they do to the casings on the wrapped strings but they feel great. I use them on all of my electrics which if you know me is saying something. Example in the past on my Gibson’s I might use GHS and on my Ibanez’s I might have used EB’s, not set in stone but you get the idea.
My first set of Dunlop’s I got as a door gift at the NY Amp show, and even then they sat around for a few months until one day one of my Les Paul’s needed string’s. Gave them a whirl, ordered 10 sets the following day at the time I just wanted them for my Gibson’s. But tried them on other guitars and they just sound great across the board, but that’s me. Allot of great strings out there, and since not every guitar is the same or guitar player, we----lll. Gets complicated! And then throw pickups into the equation, DAM!

See now I've read several places that people say that they felt rough, but I can't imagine a string feeling smoother. I'm wondering if you didn't get a bad set or something because the only way that I can describe it is the feel of a guitar after having your frets polished where everything just feels like butter. These are insanely great feeling. The more I play them though the more I'm thinking that the hotter output is not what I want.

Any comments on the Nanowebs?
The rough comments (regarding Colbalt’s) surprised me also, but I still didn’t like the feel compared to other strings. As for Nanowebs, I do use Elixir Nanowebs on my acoustics and like them allot, enough to plunk down the extra cash. Truth of the matter they last me so much longer I am getting more than my money’s worth. Never tried a coated set on my electrics???? Something to do later, Ha ha. One thing I have noticed were my pick falls on the strings, the coating takes a beating and peels back a bit, but does not seem to affect sound or sustain, but keep in mind I am using 13’s on the acoustic’s. Thinner set of strings might affect sustain.

Don’t know, one way to find out.

Tried them a while back. They felt stiff and abrasive to me. Reverted back to GHS Boomers.
I've been using the hybrid set ( 9-46 ) on my guitars for a few months now. The wound strings do hold their brightness a little longer than some other brands I've used, but the unwound strings are just plain strings and have standard lifespans.

I like them enough to continue using them on all my fiddles.
On higher output pups, I find the Cobalts really shine. I also find they wear out faster then the Nickel strings I use on my Strat. I haven't found that they wear on the frets on my EBMM JP6 at all and I've used them for 2 years straight on that guitar.

I really found I liked them for the humbuckers on the JP6 and make the cleans sound cleaner and ballsier and the dirty stuff, dirtier. I really like them.
Well it turns out that I love .10's on this guitar. I went ahead and bought a few packs of regular slinky strings and put them on a few of my other short scaled guitars and am thrilled so far. Not sure if I want to put them on my Fenders or not because of the longer scale length.
I'll give my update....I received a pack of the M-Steel 10's for my birthday (thank you to the girlfriend)....and....I'm not really sure I hear the enhanced output/clarity (blah blah) over the Cobalts. The Cobalts to me had more of everything over regular EB's...but the M-Steels dont seem to give much more on top of hte Cobalts.

Saying that....

"They felt stiff and abrasive to me. Reverted back to GHS Boomers. " (from an earlier post, I'm lame and dont know how to quote people....insert joke here____)

I do find that the Cobalts are much stiffer in tension over regular EB's....When I put the M-Steel's on, as I stated, the tone was similar to my ears...but the tension and feel is much closer to the regular EB's...the 10's feel like 10's....where as the first batch of Cobalt's I used were a hybrid pair or 11's (can't remember) and they were almost unplayable due to stiffness. I thought it was my new guitar having a different scale I went down to 10's...still pretty stiff on the higher strings...Put the MSteels on and its back to regular tension land I may go up to 11's again...but I'm still getting used to them.

Just thought I'd chime in with an update.....
Been playing regular Slinky EB's since the 90's. Don't want to chew up my frets on my vintage Ibanez guitars, so I stay away from steel strings. I have been curious about the Msteels though, and my Carvins have SS frets.... still... I never break strings, I love my tone and feel... so if it ain't broke.....
I tried them initially, but couldn't hear or feel a big enough difference to justify the extra expense, so I went straight back to RPS Super Slinkys. I change strings on all my guitars very often so the expense is inhibitive. The improvement in sound or feel would need to be huge for me to consider changing to them.
I've been using them for the past year on my Music Man Petrucci BFR. During that time, I tried the new M-Steels and the D' Addario NY XL strings. Last week, I couldn't get Cobalts, so I put GHS Boomers on, and I really think I'll stay with them. I used Boomers on my Strats for years and they still feel and sound great. But.... String preference is very personal. Oh yeah- the D'Addario NY XLs came off the guitar the same day.
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