Epic 80's Song that needs recognition

A little Uncle Ted from 1986..."Little Miss Dangerous". Do yourself a favor and listen through headphones!!!

Loved Ted in the 70's first album had a big influence on me. I remember staying up for 2 days to learn "Stranglehold". Fast forward and the more I learned about him the less I liked him. I'm not even going near his politics - he's entitled to his view.

I'm talking about this kind of shtuff taken from here:

Relationships with teenage girls[edit]​

Nugent's song "Jailbait" has sparked backlash in recent years as the lyrics discuss wanting to have sex with a 13-year-old, which would constitute statutory rape.[61][62] Nugent admitted to several affairs with underage girls in a Behind the Music episode.[63][64] He later denied this statement on an episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, saying he had never been in romantic relationships with underage girls, other than when he was underage himself.[20] Musician Courtney Love claims that she performed oral sex on Nugent when she was 12.[65][66] On a later occasion she said she was 14.[67]

In 1978, Nugent began a relationship with 17-year-old Hawaii native Pele Massa. However, they could not marry due to the age difference. To get around this, Nugent joined Massa's parents in signing documents to make himself her legal guardian.[68][69][70][71]


As a dad of a teenage daughter that is out of bounds.. Also I liked him better when he could actually sing and he didn't rely on cheesy effects.

No offense intended - just sayin'. ;)
No offense intended - just sayin'. ;)
No offense taken. I have to say though it'd be pretty difficult to only listen to music created by morally upstanding individuals. Good music is good music regardless.

I guess we could cancel Chuck Berry, Elvis, and a host of others while we're at it. ;)
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I guess we could cancel Chuck Berry, Elvis, and a host of others while we're at it. ;)

I'd be OK with that. I never liked any of their music anyway so they were cancelled out of the gate. I guess we could add Jerry Lee too. But at least for all those guys it was a very different time.

The more modern day offenders like creepy Uncle Ted and MJ are far worse. Plus to my ears (since Damn Yankees) Ted's playing is abysmal and his voice is gone too. Different strokes ...
I'd be OK with that. I never liked any of their music anyway so they were cancelled out of the gate. I guess we could add Jerry Lee too. But at least for all those guys it was a very different time.

The more modern day offenders like creepy Uncle Ted and MJ are far worse. Plus to my ears (since Damn Yankees) Ted's playing is abysmal and his voice is gone too. Different strokes ...
I'm not into cancel culture. Besides, where do you draw the line? Do you go investigating the producer, audio engineer, etc? Plenty of people have done questionable things and especially in the 70s in the rock industry. I just enjoy the music.
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No offense taken. I have to say though it'd be pretty difficult to only listen to music created by morally upstanding individuals. Good music is good music regardless.

I guess we could cancel Chuck Berry, Elvis, and a host of others while we're at it. ;)
Jimmy Page, David Bowie, Mick Jagger, Steven Tyler, and a host of others too...
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