Epic 80's Song that needs recognition

Wow, I forgot about these guys! F@#$ 98 till' his balls turned blue!... Ha!

I had this on cassette... I need to freshen my media LOL! Great band!!! Thanks again!

Haha! Me, too. :)

I believe Jimi Hazel has a signature Keeley pedal for a bit. I seem to get these
bands popping in my head at the oddest times, and then I have to try and
remember to post them and share. :)
I seem to get these
bands popping in my head at the oddest times, and then I have to try and
remember to post them and share. :)
Obviously, we didn't have music services back in the 80's like we do today, so how did you get such a wide array of music? I used to listen to a pretty eclectic radio station back then (WHFS, still around, just not the same programming), but I've never heard of many of these.
I cheated and was working in a combo music store/guitar shop. :)

Originally, I was just giving lessons. One of the partners that owned the guitar-store
half of the business bailed and went to LA to "make it" (he never did) The other guy was
a good friend and asked me to step in and help him on the retail side. I'd work nights and
weekends and give lessons. I had keys so I would sometimes sneak in and use the new gear to
record songs.

Best "job" I ever had. :)

We'd get a ton of pre-sale promos, and part of the job was to try and figure out what would
be "hot" and play it alot before people could buy it in the store to get them hyped.
Though I think his best music was made in the 70s Gino Vannelli continued into the 80s and beyond with some great stuff also - another 🇨🇦 pick
The 70's and 80's were one long epic musical moment for me. So many great, diverse and creative musicians. Loving all things guitar, these two albums changed my perception of reality in the guitar world. Eddie had already left a mark but I didn't really start chasing lead guitar till the mid 80's.

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