End of an Era

it was a legendary run.

...but change was necessary. clearly, the belichick system req'd a guy like brady in the locker room to sell the methodology to the rest of the team.
And just barely 24 hrs after the ink has dried on Belichick's exit papers, Kraft turns right around and hires an in-house guy who NFL 'insiders' are referring to as a Belichick Jr-type...
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yeahhh, that's odd in the sense he's keeping a guy fr the belichick tree of coaching...and playing for that matter.

mayo was a fierce linebacker in new england. well liked. i think this was likely the plan for some time and i wouldnt doubt if mayo has promised his own style, not so much belichick-ish.
Belichick barely let his Patriot players go out and talk to the media to discuss anything.
He'd lose his mind around Jerry Jones, who has to run his mouth about everything.
I’m not a Cowboys fan, but desperate times call for desperate measures……
The other thing that makes me laugh about what a joke the NFL is - these same coaches keep recirculating through the system and never go away no matter how unsuccessful they are. Dudes like Ron Rivera are seat fillers who keep popping up like bad pennies. It’s a corporation with franchises and these dudes are clearly management stakeholders.
The other thing that makes me laugh about what a joke the NFL is - these same coaches keep recirculating through the system and never go away no matter how unsuccessful they are. Dudes like Ron Rivera are seat fillers who keep popping up like bad pennies. It’s a corporation with franchises and these dudes are clearly management stakeholders.
lol…….I wouldn’t exactly call Belichick and Carrol unsuccessful.
I’m a life long cowboys fan but tempered with the belief that the NFL is now an inferior product. I’d much rather watch my favorite college team. Even our neighborhood high school games are more entertaining than the NFL. One of Jerry Jones’ grandson’s was our high school quarterback my kids sophomore year. He qb’d and won one of the most entertaining games I’d ever seen as compared to any league.
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