Election day.....

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" I Got 99 Problems But Mitt Ain't One "

Happy camper here!!

I'm in Real Estate & make money regardless of who's in power. I just prefer Obama & didn't want him to be a 1 term Prez.

Hillary will win in 2016, and a completely revamped more inclusive Republican party can try again in 2024!!
USA will be bankrupt by then. You better find another job when interest gets to 16% after we are done monetizing our own debt. We can't print paper and buy FNMA backed securities forever.

PS: You will never lose elections if you keep giving the poor, under educated slobs of America free money. Guarantees you keep your office. Repubs do it too BTW.

At least Clinton signed on to a balanced budget and welfare reform. Current folks have no budget at all and no welfare reform. In fact they increased welfare recipients by over 30% thus guaranteeing victory. People who get free money don't give a shit where it comes from as long as they get their check every month and will vote for whoever gives them the most..
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USA will be bankrupt by then. You better find another job when interest gets to 16% after we are done monetizing our own debt. We can't print paper and buy FNMA backed securities forever.

Many of my clients are from Latin America, Brazil, Europe & the Caribbean. Cash buyers for the most part.

A lot of people buy on Miami Beach who don't necessarily live here. Vacation homes/condos etc.... This market will never die regardless of what the average American can afford.
WoW Shasha. Next time you should implement chapters. You crack me up! :razz

Yeah, Shasha's never been a man of more than a few words... NOT!!!

Good rant though!!! (What's a rant... In my Peter Griffin voice).
Well, the current administration can't blame the previous administration any more, can they? And at least we managed to avoid all of those nasty riots that were inevitable if Obama lost, so that's a good thing. (Note to the left...moderates and conservatives don't riot: they get up the next day and go to work.)

Whatever happens in the next 4 years and with respect to the last 4 years, if you support the current administration, YOU DID BUILD THAT. Now we just have to see exactly what it is that has been/will be built... and I hope you like it.

20 years ago, if anyone told you that repeat appearances by a sitting POTUS on shows like The View and David Letterman would be a key strategy for re-electing that president, they would tell you exactly what I'm saying right now: this country has lost its way.

God help us.
USA will be bankrupt by then. You better find another job when interest gets to 16% after we are done monetizing our own debt. We can't print paper and buy FNMA backed securities forever.

PS: You will never lose elections if you keep giving the poor, under educated slobs of America free money. Guarantees you keep your office. Repubs do it too BTW.

At least Clinton signed on to a balanced budget and welfare reform. Current folks have no budget at all and no welfare reform. In fact they increased welfare recipients by over 30% thus guaranteeing victory. People who get free money don't give a shit where it comes from as long as they get their check every month and will vote for whoever gives them the most..

Sad, but true!!! If only people in welfare had to take drug tests like us employed people do for jobs.
And at least we managed to avoid all of those nasty riots that were inevitable if Obama lost, so that's a good thing. (Note to the left...moderates and conservatives don't riot: they get up the next day and go to work.)

God help us.

Ha!!! True!!! Nice.
USA will be bankrupt by then. You better find another job when interest gets to 16% after we are done monetizing our own debt. We can't print paper and buy FNMA backed securities forever.

PS: You will never lose elections if you keep giving the poor, under educated slobs of America free money. Guarantees you keep your office. Repubs do it too BTW.

At least Clinton signed on to a balanced budget and welfare reform. Current folks have no budget at all and no welfare reform. In fact they increased welfare recipients by over 30% thus guaranteeing victory. People who get free money don't give a shit where it comes from as long as they get their check every month and will vote for whoever gives them the most..

HAH! What a laugh! 1) where was your outrage when Bush was running the largest deficits in history? Thought so. 2) The poor are getting crumbs compared to the 1%. Top tax bracket under REAGAN: 60%, top bracket now, under 35% - but you'd never know this from Fox et. al. -all you hear is how we're being 'bled white'. Well, the middle class is (stagnant wages since the 70's), but the rich are laughing (and lying) all the way to the bank. 3) PLEASE show me ACTUAL ARITHMETIC that shows how you can run TWO (undeclared and in the case of Iraq, utterly unnecessary) wars while cutting taxes drastically and balance the budget? During WWII, the rich paid more and considered it their patriotic duty. How things have changed! Now it's greed, greed, greed! 4) the NUMBER ONE drag on our budget? Healthcare. Do we have the best health care in the developed world? NO! Do we have the cheapest? NO. What we have is a system that gives HUGE profits to insurance companies, something the rest of the developed world figured out LONG AGO! 5) You will NEVER balance our budget as long as our military is NEARLY THE SIZE OF ALL OTHER MILITARIES ON EARTH, COMBINED! Why do we still have bases in places like germany? Can't they defend themselves? The Military-Industrial compleis the GREATEST threat to the economy, and to democracy - Eisenhower himself, a former general, and a TRUE REPUBLICAN, told us this.
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Well, the current administration can't blame the previous administration any more, can they? And at least we managed to avoid all of those nasty riots that were inevitable if Obama lost, so that's a good thing. (Note to the left...moderates and conservatives don't riot: they get up the next day and go to work.)

Whatever happens in the next 4 years and with respect to the last 4 years, if you support the current administration, YOU DID BUILD THAT. Now we just have to see exactly what it is that has been/will be built... and I hope you like it.

20 years ago, if anyone told you that repeat appearances by a sitting POTUS on shows like The View and David Letterman would be a key strategy for re-electing that president, they would tell you exactly what I'm saying right now: this country has lost its way.

God help us.

We had a SYSTEMIC economic collapse. Did the depression get solved in 4 years? Almost every Nobel prize winning economist, liberal and conservative, thinks it'll take a decade or more. Of course, the republican House has stopped TWENTY-EIGHT jobs bills, including one for veterans! The president is not a magician. If the 'loyal opposition' is more zealous about denying Obama a 2nd term than about fixing the country, of COURSE he can blame the last admin and the current Republican leadership, which is more intransigent, more obstructionist, than any congress, Repub or Dem, in my lifetime! A congress monomaniacally focused on Obama's destruction, bankrupt of any 'ideas' except utterly ancient and discredited ones like "TAX CUTS!" and "DEREGULATION" is largely responsible - THEY BUILT THIS
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Sure... and how about an automated fact check on all the things they say during the campaigns? A huge claxon bell every time we hear a lie. We are on the technology age for cripes sake.

Almost no Republican in America, and half the Dems would be unelectable. I like a fact-check shock collar more, myself.
Well, the current administration can't blame the previous administration any more, can they? And at least we managed to avoid all of those nasty riots that were inevitable if Obama lost, so that's a good thing. (Note to the left...moderates and conservatives don't riot: they get up the next day and go to work.)

Whatever happens in the next 4 years and with respect to the last 4 years, if you support the current administration, YOU DID BUILD THAT. Now we just have to see exactly what it is that has been/will be built... and I hope you like it.

20 years ago, if anyone told you that repeat appearances by a sitting POTUS on shows like The View and David Letterman would be a key strategy for re-electing that president, they would tell you exactly what I'm saying right now: this country has lost its way.

God help us.

I usually don't like to comment on this kind of stuff because, well, you know why, but we're all entitled to our opinion. I'm left, I work hard daily, I don't riot, I'm not on welfare, I'm white, I don't encourage entitlements and I'm not a minority or exception in the population that hold those values. And who says people would riot, Rush? In the context of your comment "people" rioting I find it has racial undertones. What's wrong in America: divisiveness. My $.02.
Well, the current administration can't blame the previous administration any more, can they? And at least we managed to avoid all of those nasty riots that were inevitable if Obama lost, so that's a good thing. (Note to the left...moderates and conservatives don't riot: they get up the next day and go to work.)

Whatever happens in the next 4 years and with respect to the last 4 years, if you support the current administration, YOU DID BUILD THAT. Now we just have to see exactly what it is that has been/will be built... and I hope you like it.

20 years ago, if anyone told you that repeat appearances by a sitting POTUS on shows like The View and David Letterman would be a key strategy for re-electing that president, they would tell you exactly what I'm saying right now: this country has lost its way.

God help us.

And puppies should never grow old because they're just so darn cute :) This is the evolution of media and if it didn't work, it wouldn't be done. I agree with you, though, people should be able to take accountability for their collective actions.

The riot comment is, well, borderline bigotry but whatever. The country hasn't lost it's way; it's evolving. For better or worse, time will decide, but to pass judgement now is a little naive, IMHO.

Anyway, here's to hoping the sun will rise tomorrow!
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. This is EXACTLY what Romney represented: go back to the radical tax cuts and financial deregulation of the Bush years, which caused the worst financial contraction since the 30's. How does ANYONE think repeating the Bush policies that failed so disasterously in the past would be a good idea? Hell, most of Romney's economic team were FORMER Bush advisors! By the way: 'businessman' Romney on Job Creation: 1) Mass was 47th out of all 50 states in job creation when Mittens was governor. That's right: 46 other states did better! 2) Genius businessman was actually BAILED OUT bythe Federal Government (and pocketed the taxpayer's money in the process)! Read: the-federal-bailout-that-saved-mitt-romney 3) His 'business', by and large, consisted of killing businesses (after leveraging the hell out of them with NEW debts), then dismembering them and selling the carrion - hardly a recipe for jobs growth. Actually, it's almost IDENTICAL to the 'bust out' practiced by the Mob (see the movie Goodfellas).

Read this, and weep: the guy got stinking rich by DESTROYING AMERICAN COMPANIES AND JOBS: greed-and-debt-the-true-story-of-mitt-romney-and-bain-capital


Fortunately, the geniuses at Bain who now run the place are there to help tell you whom to fire. And for the service it performs cutting your company's costs to help you pay off the massive debt that it, Bain, saddled your company with in the first place, Bain naturally charges a management fee, typically millions of dollars a year. So Tricycle Inc. now has two gigantic new burdens it never had before Bain Capital stepped into the picture: tens of millions in annual debt service, and millions more in "management fees." Since the initial acquisition of Tricycle Inc. was probably greased by promising the company's upper management lucrative bonuses, all that pain inevitably comes out of just one place: the benefits and payroll of the hourly workforce.

Once all that debt is added, one of two things can happen. The company can fire workers and slash benefits to pay off all its new obligations to Goldman Sachs and Bain, leaving it ripe to be resold by Bain at a huge profit. Or it can go bankrupt – this happens after about seven percent of all private equity buyouts – leaving behind one or more shuttered factory towns. Either way, Bain wins. By power-sucking cash value from even the most rapidly dying firms, private equity raiders like Bain almost always get their cash out before a target goes belly up.

This business model wasn't really "helping," of course – and it wasn't new. Fans of mob movies will recognize what's known as the "bust-out," in which a gangster takes over a restaurant or sporting goods store and then monetizes his investment by running up giant debts on the company's credit line. (Think Paulie buying all those cases of Cutty Sark in Goodfellas.) When the note comes due, the mobster simply torches the restaurant and collects the insurance money. Reduced to their most basic level, the leveraged buyouts engineered by Romney followed exactly the same business model. "It's the bust-out," one Wall Street trader says with a laugh. "That's all it is."
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To the guy who said 'thank god there were no riots like there would have been had Obama lost' - thanks for one of the most blatantly racist and disgusting posts I've ever read on the Fractal board. Makes we wanna puke...

He probably based that statement on the hundreds of Twitter posts threatening to riot if Obama lost.

I am outraged at any poitician that spends more than they take in, that includes Bush and his dudes. Go reread my post. This new crop of dudes up there takes the cake on deficit spending though and they show no signs of stopping.
funnypolymath, I'm the type of guy that just doesn't trust government very much, no matter who is in power. Just curious about your opinion on this...

The economy melted down...evil banks, Wall Street, boogeymen, et al, and the governmental agencies that were hired SPECIFICALLY to anticipate and protect our citizenry from exactly this sort of mess (oversight by skilled and experienced professionals in the field of macro economics and finance) appear to have been asleep at the switch. IMO, one thing that I was expecting to happen immediately, and while the Dems controlled both houses of congress and the presidency, was a serious inquisition into the mess, who screwed up, who was asleep at the switch, and the specific policies that lead to this financial catastrophe. Other than Bernie Madoff going to jail, I don't recall anything else of dramatic substance happening. Nobody's head rolled from the SEC, Fannie or Freddie, and nobody that I can think of was brought up on charges at the highest levels of Wall Street, found guilty and thrown in jail. Wall Street was the enemy, right? So why did nobody's ass fry? Why was there not a house cleaning at the highest levels of the bureaucracies who failed to predict the mess? Nobody was held accountable for this, that I know of.

Why is this? Don't you believe that the general population, citizens of ALL political stripes, would have welcomed the shedding of some serious daylight on the mess? Expose the problems, expose how we got from point A to B to C to D? And come up with a real, viable strategy for bipartisan common sense reform? (Dodd-Frank Bill? Puulease...) Toss a couple of sacrificial lambs in jail for 10 years in the process? Would this not have been a welcome "change" to business as usual in Washington DC, and an extremely populist thing to do? I mean, surely there must have been SOMEONE they could have scapegoated for all of this stuff, right?

Nope, instead we got Obamacare jammed down our throats, and told that the whole financial mess was the fault of the Republican party...when it demonstrably was not theirs and theirs alone to own.

So, in your opinion , why do you think this VITAL aspect of transparency and reform process seems to have never really happened. If it did, it certainly was not well-publicized, or could not have had very sharp teeth, otherwise someone would have screamed bloody murder...but...nothing...silence.

Just looking for opinions on this since IMO this is and has been the KEY issue of the last 4 years, but I don't really think the average person on the street knows any more about why things fell apart NOW than they did in 2008...and our "leaders" in Washington DC don't seem to be in much of a hurry to do anything about it other than insist that we keep printing money to tweak our economy rather than seeing an economy that is vibrant and healthy, especially AFTER having spent so many hundreds of billions of dollars in "stimulus". I mean, we could have this crappy lethargic economy WITHOUT all of the stimulus (translation - redistributive spending of the taxpayers' money).
And puppies should never grow old because they're just so darn cute :) This is the evolution of media and if it didn't work, it wouldn't be done. I agree with you, though, people should be able to take accountability for their collective actions.

The riot comment is, well, borderline bigotry but whatever. The country hasn't lost it's way; it's evolving. For better or worse, time will decide, but to pass judgement now is a little naive, IMHO.

Anyway, here's to hoping the sun will rise tomorrow!

Obviously you guys aren't sports fans. In Boston, people or ALL COLORS, have been known to "tear down the mutha" after the Red Sox win a World Series...or how about in Vancouver when the Bruins won the Stanley Cup?

And this is exactly what I'm talking about...this attitude has co-opted all common sense on the Left and contributes to the deterioration of the conversation and the division among us. And last time I checked, the Occupy Movement was a stellar example of what the Left will do when it doesn't get their way. So so typical...pick at any scab that upsets your hypersensitivity and then throw the racist bomb....give me a break!

Edit: the fact that people assume that because I mentioned "riots" that this automatically means that I must have specifically meant, for the lack of a more nuanced term "black urban riots" exposes your own narrow thinking, lack of historic knowledge, and exposes you as being closed-minded to say the least. I remember Vietnam and the riots then. Labor unions have rioted before and are famous for this stuff. Again, these are not "race specific". Because the President has black skin doesn't necessarily meant that only black people are capable of rioting, does it? Mindless, immature, and out of control zealots will do crazy things, regardless of the color of their skin. I was hoping that some of the forum members here would be intelligent enough and realistic enough to understand this. Evidently not.
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and FINALLY, FWIW, I thought the content of the infamous recent Michael Moore youtube spot featuring the elderly old lady saying how "if Romney steals this election" they would "burn the mutherf*cker down" was COMMON KNOWLEDGE. So if you must know, my comment was obviously a poor attempt at humor referencing this video...admittedly, both in poor taste...but still, the intent was THIS reference.
I voted for Romney and here's why:
Our family's portion of the debt is now 300k (we have 4 kids) which seems like a perfectly reasonable number. I can have the money in a week.

Under Obama in 4 years it'll be like 360k. Now that's just CRAZY!!!
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