Eating Chicken Notebook

Seriously, this could be the most amazing keyboard ever made and they haven't (no reviews) and probably will never sell one with that description.
You can have more than that into some of the mechanicals. It's a very strange rabbit hole to go down. You have a world of different key layouts, number of keys, spacings, key profiles, custom keycaps, a pile of different switch types, things to modify the feel of the switches, even after you've picked the type. There are whole marketplaces for these things, new lingos to learn, etc. People with actual collections of boards, ones they use for specific things, and even meetups for them.
More than that indeed - a number of keyboards break a grand easy. They obsess over keyboards like we obsess over guitars: feel, action, speed, every detail, even sound. And they probably make a lot more money.

You haven't met a nerd until you've met a keyboard nut. I met one -- king of the nerds for sure, but he's got a high end automation job at a secretive tech lab and I sing at drunks for a living so who am I to judge.
As Apple has discovered, fried chicken resistance is an important feature. They still sell some laptops on which keyboard can be disabled by a single crumb.
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