Dyna-Cabs Version 1.06

I've been a Fractal fanboi for a long time. But I only started switching patches to Dyna-Cab earlier this week (Axe-FX III). Wow. Super-wow. I'd been using the stock Legacy cabs forever; I'd never used other IRs. The stock Dyna-Cabs are so nice. Every patch I switched from Legacy to Dyna-Cab just breathes. It's night and day. Maybe if I'd already been experimenting with IRs, it wouldn't have seemed like such a stark contrast. But stock Legacy cabs vs. stock Dyna-Cabs... yeah, that's a huge crazy level of improvement, to my ears. Love it!
Question i probably won't care about:
If you have dynacabs installed, and revert the firmware to a version before they existed, will that cause any problems?

Some folks were talking about old firmwares, and i absent-mindedly wondered about loading one up, someday maybe, perhaps.
Question i probably won't care about:
If you have dynacabs installed, and revert the firmware to a version before they existed, will that cause any problems?

Some folks were talking about old firmwares, and i absent-mindedly wondered about loading one up, someday maybe, perhaps.
I personally don't see the point in rolling back to previous FWs, given that as new ones are developed they are usually used to fix bugs or to improve the performance and sounds of Ax Fx III. the fact of seeing the Dyna-Cab version clearly is a reasonable feature as much as that of seeing Firmware / USB / FPGA precisely because they are not changed often and usually one does not remember the installed version.
I had installed all previous FW updates including the betas, on the screen I can’t know which version of dynacabs is installed
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