Dual Amp Combinations - Your favs


What are your favorite amp combinations for dual amp patches? I’ve never had much luck until last week when I randomly combined JCM 800 (with 2 cabs panned hard left and right) and a Twin Reverb with a Pi Fuzz in front (and 2 cabs panned hard left and right). Best headphone high gain tone I’ve ever had. Sounds HUGE and wide, low end is fantastic while retaining high end clarity. Distortion is warm and smooth, but still has plenty of heft and articulation.

I’ve got the bug and have been trying out combos – stumbled on a couple of decent combos but nothing as good as the original. What are your favorites?
You just reminded me of when, in the way way back, I downloaded a preset for a Line 6 XT or X3 (I don't remember which one exactly) that was called Voxshall that was a Top Boost and JCM 800. It sounded dang good. I need to try to create something in that vain.
Leon Todd posted a preset a while back called LT Lynch where he used an Atomica High with a Brit 800 #34. Sounded pretty sweet.
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Do you guys pan your Amps hard left and right? For me there are two approaches i use regularly
I usually do: two similar amps (Friedman and Marshall), different cabs, sometimes with my Mimic Doubler in FX and then pan signal hard left and right.

Then there is the approach like jiljesse mentioned: two pretty different amps that complement the frequencies, however then i dont pan hard or use the mimic but leave the signals more in the center...
I find it difficult to adjust the balance between two amps while controlling the level. I use the mixer block, but you still have to adjust each row level separately. It often becomes a finicky iterative process since the blend can affect the perception of the level and vice versa.

Is there a better way to do this? I can't spot a block that would do a one knob blend between two rows.
I love the “dual clean” factory preset, which is a USA Clean and Deluxe reverb. Spent a couple of hours doing some mellow noodling last night.
You just reminded me of when, in the way way back, I downloaded a preset for a Line 6 XT or X3 (I don't remember which one exactly) that was called Voxshall that was a Top Boost and JCM 800. It sounded dang good. I need to try to create something in that vain.

Steve Stevens presets he shared had a great AC30 and Plexi mix
Lately I’ve been blending the Triaxis LD2 Yellow and Dirty Shirley 2, for a high gain scooped thing combined with a lower gain, more midrangey thing for some extra clarity. I’m actually really impressed with how good it sounds.
dc30 (gain from 2.5-4) and 65 bassman normal (gain from 2.5to 3.5) channel. Both with input boost on and set to CC at 2db. I pan them left and right (usually about 75% L/R). I use a Mark EQ at the output of each amp block to evenout the frequency response and add a lillte more beef. Then add some nice delays, and finish it up with a nice cloud or room/studio/plate reverb, and/or Plex Verb. Up front I add some some light compression (if needed) and a series of drives from clean boost, to OD, to distortion. For a fattening low octave effect. I add a Ring Mod set to just and a low octave (mix to taste).

I still debate whether to put delay in front of amps or behind. Each has its merits.
Never liked the Diezels before Cygnus, but now the Herbie Ch 3 is awesome. I’ve put it in stereo with the Uber, and this combo can level small buildings while sounding so excellent!
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