drive block?

Ok found a pattern, but still no explanation.

All my presets that do have globals, drive is screwed. Even when I created globals and edited through the hardware panel, not axe-edit.
This particular patch, disengaging globals, selecting the block to none, then creating it again, nothing brings it back to life. Everytime you engage the drive, it dies.

Any to way to sort of reset the presets without having to rebuild them? or is it pen and paper for me, then dial it all back again?

I'm getting the same issue.
The issue is this: If you saved a Drive block to a global block slot on a previous firmware and attempt to use a preset that uses that Drive in 7.0 then Sample Rate will default to 48Hz.

To fix: Open up the broken global drive block and then manually adjust Sample Rate to 48khz. Then re-link that block to the global slot by double tapping FX BYP and doing "save to and link with block".

Now that drive block should be fixed on all presets that use that global block.

We'll try to build an automatic workaround into future firmwares to prevent this issue. Sorry for the annoyance!
Ohhhh I feel so stupid right now.
When I've tried to switch back to 48k sample rate, I scrolled to the page, looked at 48 and thought "all good here - lemme just scroll to another number and back just to be sure"

Never realised it was 48Hz, not 48000Hz...

What are you guys doing? designing tools for extremists? :D

damn I feel silly! That "k" makes some difference...
my apologies, max... just stumbled on another bug.

I had both my very incomplete patch and your patch on the same folder. It seems that, using axe edit and clicking on "preset folder" -> selecting the preset will only load my gilmour patch (coincidence). I have about 10 patches in the download folder, and regardless of which I choose opens my gilmour patch, which is not even in alphabetical order.

Apologies, it is indeed very different. The only reason I was a bit -.- about the patch is that is far from complete my one (not even close to be happy with it) :)

So here it is cannot select presets using the "preset folder" and the dialogue that follows, only using the arrows. Mac OSX 10.6.8
Try highlighting the folder itself instead of the specific patch. Then you should be able to select any patch within the folder.
There are other oddities in saved drive blocks. I am having same 48/ 48K issue but, when pulling up pre-7. drive blocks I've saved I am also seeing mix = 0, high & low cut settings are all wrong. I don't think issue is related to just the sample rate. Once I fix it and resave the block, I appear to be OK. But, this is bad because I have a ton of saved blocks and they are pulling up incorrectly in 7.0. I don't even know what the original settings were. 48/48K is easy. But, here was my high cut? Why is mix = 0?

I should add that this is all using Axe Edit. I typically don't edit w/ hardware

Yes I've seen the Low cut change on at least one of my patches (the only one I could swear I've edited much higher than it was).
pretty sure I edited on the hardware on 6.xx
But like Adam said, they'll fix it soon. Keep your backup of the presets from 6.02 and on next firmware copy the drive blocks from them
If you really can't do without maybe revert to 6.xx

I only updated to 7 because I finished tracking the clients I'm working with atm.
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